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Au pouvoir déclinant des gouvernements des états-nations s'est substitué un nouveau pouvoir, planétaire, global, et échappant au contrôle de la démocratie. Les citoyens continuent d'élire des institutions nationales alors que le pouvoir réel a été déplacé vers de nouveaux centres.

La planète est aujourd'hui dirigée par une constellation d'organisations au rôle exécutif ou politique.

Les organisations exécutives se répartissent en 3 sphères de pouvoir:
    - la sphère du pouvoir économique et financier
    - la sphère du pouvoir militaire et policier
    - la sphère du pouvoir scientifique

Le pouvoir politique du système est exercé par une quatrième catégorie d'organisations: les "clubs de réflexion", réseaux d'influence, ou réunions de "global leaders" comme le Groupe de Bilderberg ou le World Economic Forum de Davos.

Toutes ces organisations ne sont pas concurrentes mais étroitement liées et complémentaires.

Elles forment un ensemble dont la cohésion est assurée par l'appartenance simultanée de certaines personnalités à plusieurs organisations.

Ces personnes-clé peuvent être considérées comme les Maitres du Monde. Quelques uns sont des leaders politiques de premier plan, comme George Bush (le père) ou Henry Kissinger. Mais la plupart d'entre eux sont inconnus du grand public.

En observant le diagramme de ces organisations, ceux qui connaissent la cybernétique verront à quel point ce système a été ingénieusement conçu. Structurées en réseau, plusieurs organisations se partagent la même fonction, et les centres ainsi que les "circuits de commande" ont été doublés ou triplés, afin d'assurer plus de sécurité et de stabilité à l'ensemble.

Ainsi, au cas où une organisation ou un lien devient inopérant, le contrôle global n'est pas menacé. Exactement comme Internet: un système sans centre unique, dont les flux d'information peuvent "contourner" un centre local hors service.


  • L'OCDE , l'organisation initiatrice de l'AMI, conçoit les règles du commerce mondial et influence de très près la politique économique des pays occidentaux. Elle rassemble 30 pays développés qui "partagent les principes de l'économie de marché"

  • Le Fond Monétaire International (FMI) et la Banque Mondiale dessinent l'économie et l'environnement de la planète par le biais des prêts accordés aux états du Tiers-Monde à condition qu'ils appliquent une politique économique d'inspiration ultra-libérale, au mépris des réalités humaines et écologiques.

  • L'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC, ou WTO en anglais) fixe les règles du commerce mondial, en réduisant considérablement la marge de décision des états dans le domaine de l'économie ou de l'environnement.

  • La Commission Européenne (ou "Commission de Bruxelles") est le gouvernement de l'Union Européenne. Ses membres ne sont pas élus, et le public n'est jamais informé de leurs décisions. Des parts croissantes du pouvoir des états sont transférés à cette Commission qui n'est soumise à aucun contrôle démocratique. (La législation européenne représente déjà 80% des lois appliquées par les états de l'Union.)

    Ces transferts de souveraineté ont été réalisés par des politiciens de droite et de gauche, dans le but de faire échapper au débat public l'essentiel des décisions économiques, sociales, et environnementales.

    De plus, la Commission Européenne est entièrement sous l'influence des lobbies industriels qui sont les grands inspirateurs de la réglementation européenne. La politique européenne est élaborée en étroite collaboration avec l'European Round Table qui rassemble les dirigeants des grandes multinationales européennes. L'European Round Table est associée à toutes les grandes décisions en matière économique, financière, sociale, ou environnementale. Enfin, beaucoup de Commissaires Européens sont très liés à des multinationales ou à des réseaux d'influences favorables au libéralisme et à la mondialisation.

    Par ailleurs, de nombreux commissaires européens sont membres du très puissant "Groupe de Bilderberg":

    - Jose Manuel Barroso (actuel président de la Commission Européenne, ancien premier ministre du portugais)
    - Frits Bolkestein (le commissaire européen auteur de la "directive Bolkestein")
    - Romano Prodi (ancien président de la Commission Européenne, premier ministre italien)
    - Jacques Santer (ancien président de la Commission Européenne, ancien premier ministre du Luxembourg)
    - Sir Leon Brittan (vice-président de la Commission, ardent promoteur des traites AMI et NTM, ancien négociateur européen pour le GATT)
    - Pascal Lamy (fervent partisan de l'AMI, et responsable de la modification de l'article 133 du Traité d'Amsterdam afin que les états donnent définitivement les pleins pouvoirs à la Commission pour la négociation et la signature des traités économiques de type AMI)
    - Edith Cresson (ancien membre de la Commission, ancien premier ministre français, ancien ministre du commerce, ancien membre de la direction de Schneider)
    - Emma Bonino
    - Mario Monti (ex Banca Commerciale Italiana)
    - Hans Van Den Broeck
    - Karel van Miert
    - Erkki Liikanen
    - Ritt Bjerregaard

  • A la BCE, la Banque Centrale Européenne, on retrouve encore d'autres participants au Groupe de Bilderberg:

    - Jean-Claude Trichet (président de la BCE)
    - Wim Duisenberg (ancien président du directoire la BCE, ancien président de la De Nederlandsche Bank)
    - Otmar Issing (membre du directoire)
    - Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa (membre du comité exécutif)


  • Le World Economic Forum est une organisation qui rassemble les hommes les plus puissants et les plus riches de la planète. Le critère d'admission au sein de ce réseau est le niveau de pouvoir, de richesse, et d'influence du candidat, dans le domaine de l'économie, de la politique internationale, de la technologie, ou des médias. La principale réunion du World Economic Forum a lieu chaque année à Davos, en Suisse, à la fin du mois de Janvier. Tout au long de l'année, les membres les plus importants de cette organisation sont reliés par un super-réseau de vidéo-conférence, "Wellcom", qui leur permet de se concerter à tout moment sur les décisions mondiales importantes. Exactement comme dans le film "Rollerball", qui décrit un monde futur où les cartels économiques ont pris le pouvoir et où une élite planétaire prend ses décisions lors de vidéo-conférences similaires .

  • La Trilateral Commission est un organisme de réflexion international co-fondé en 1973 par David Rockefeller et Zbigniew Brzezinski (ancien conseiller du président Jimmy Carter). Il réunit des dirigeants des 3 zones économiques principales: Amérique du Nord, Europe de l'Ouest, Japon.

  • Le CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) est une organisation américaine qui rassemble des leaders politiques ou économiques de haut niveau (comme George Bush père, Henry Kissinger, ou David Rockefeller, le président du CFR). Depuis le début du 20è siècle, presque tous les présidents américains sont des membres du CFR. Le Comité consultatif du CFR comprend des représentants étrangers, comme Michel Rocard (ancien premier ministre français), Otto Lamsdorf (ancien ministre des finances allemand), Brian Mulroney (ancien premier ministre canadien), ou Lord Conrad Black (président du groupe de presse Hollinger, et par ailleurs proche de l'administration Bush).

  • Le ECFR (European Council on Foreign Relations) est le pendant européen du CFR . Principalement financé par la Fondation George Soros, sa création est récente (octobre 2007). Il est très instructif de regarder la liste de ses membres fondateurs . On y trouve entre autres, Alain Minc, Dominique Strauss Kahn, Christine Ockrent, Brian Eno (également invité au Bohémian Grove) .

  • Le Groupe de Bilderberg , fondé en 1954, est sans doute le plus puissant des réseaux d'influence. Il rassemble des personnalités de tous les pays, leaders de la politique, de l'économie, de la finance, des médias, ainsi que quelques scientifiques et universitaires. Pour ceux qui enquêtent sur les réseaux de pouvoir, le Groupe de Bilderberg est le véritable gouvernement mondial. Le président et co-fondateur du Bilderberg Group est David Rockefeller.

  • Le Siècle est un club de reflexion qui rassemble les membres les plus puissants et influents de la classe dirigeante française: responsables politiques, présidents de grandes entreprises, et journalistes des médias qui "font l'opinion".

  • La Fondation Saint-Simon est une organisation très similaire au Siècle. Elle s'est dissoute en 1999 après avoir beaucoup contribué à la conversion idéologique de la gauche française au libéralisme.

  • Le Club de Rome est un "club de réflexion" de leaders politiques et économiques, principalement européens.


  • Le Bohemians Club
    Une société secrète où les puissants de ce monde se retrouvent pour d'étranges cérémonies au parfum de satanisme.

  • Les Illuminati sont une "élite dans l'élite" qui se réunit au sein d'une organisation secrète fondée sous sa forme actuelle au 17è siècle. Originellement, leur projet était de changer radicalement le monde, en anéantissant le pouvoir des régimes monarchiques qui, à cette époque, entravaient le progrès de la société et des idées. La Révolution Française et la fondation des Etats-Unis auraient été des résultats de leur stratégie. Pour les Illuminati, la démocratie politique était un moyen et non une fin en soi. Selon eux, le peuple est par nature ignorant, stupide, et potentiellement violent. Le monde doit donc être gouverné par une élite éclairée. Au fil du temps, les membres de ce groupe sont passés du statut de conspirateurs subversifs à celui de dominateurs implacables dont le but essentiel est de conserver leur pouvoir.

    Le terme "Illuminati" signifie littéralement "les Illuminés" (du latin "illuminare": illuminer, connaître, savoir).

    Leur symbole est présent sur les billets de 1 dollar: une pyramide dont le sommet (l'Elite) est éclairé par l'oeil de la conscience et domine une base aveugle, faite de briques identiques (la population).

    Les deux mentions en latin sont très significatives. "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" signifie "nouvel ordre pour les siècles". En d'autres termes: nouvel ordre mondial. Et "ANNUIT CŒPTIS" signifie: "notre projet sera couronné de succès".

    Un projet aujourd'hui proche de sa réalisation finale.

Cette sphère de pouvoir occulte chapeaute toutes les autres.

étoile 1

source :
cligno étoile

Dernière édition par invitée le Mar 4 Oct 2011 - 17:49, édité 13 fois
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Malgré son discours à l' orientation catholique, ces vidéos sont très instructives, car ce prêtre nous décrit en détail l'organisation des Illuminati qu'il a dénoncés tout au long de sa vie :


Interviews en une seule partie également sur Google vidéos:
papillon 1
papillon 1

Dernière édition par invitée le Dim 9 Déc 2012 - 23:46, édité 52 fois
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Localisation : Tarn


106 participants sont désormais connus
(sur un total de 130 participants environ)

Bilderberg 2009: les participants français étaient: le chroniqueur du journal "Le Point" Nicolas Baverez, le secrétaire général de l’UMP Xavier Bertrand, le PDG d’Europe 1 Alexandre Bompard, le directeur du "Nouvel Observateur" Denis Olivennes, le PDG de la Société Générale Frédéric Oudéa.

Ces participants français étaient donc des adeptes de la mondialisation heureuse, du libre-échange, du libéralisme économique, etc.

Les noms des autres participants français devraient être connus dans les prochaines semaines, quand d’autres informations continueront à filtre sur cette réunion ultra-discrète, loin des micros, loin des caméras...

Un site allemand vient juste de révéler la liste de 106 participants de cette réunion ultra-secrète des maîtres du monde :

Les rois et les reines :

    1 - Beatrix - Königin der Niederlande
    2 - Sofia - Königin von Spanien
    3 - Konstantin - ehemaliger König von Griechenland
    4 - Prinz von Belgien - Mitglied des Club of Rome
Les autres participants :

    5 - Joseph Ackerman - Vorstandsvorsitzende der Deutschen Bank
    6 - Kieth Alexander - Direktor der US National Security Agency (NSA), grösster Geheimdienst der Welt
    7 - Roger Altman - Vizefinanzminister unter Präsident Clinton
    8 - Efstratios-Georgios A. Arapoglou - Zentralbankchef Griechenland
    9 - Ali Babacan - Wirtschaftsminister Türkei
    10 - Francisco Pinto Balsemão - Portugisischer Ministerpräsident
    11 - Nicolas Baverez- Herausgeber Le Point Frankreich
    12 - Franco Bernabè - Chef von Telecom Italia
    13 - Xavier Bertrand - Generalsekretär der UMP Partei Frankreich
    14 - Nils Daniel Carl Bildt - Aussenminister Schweden
    15 - Jan Bgiorklount
    16 - Christoph Blocher - ehemaliger Bundesrat und ehemaliger Parteichef der SVP
    17 - Alexander Bompar Europe 1
    18 - Anna Boten
    19 - Henry Alfred Kissinger - ex-US-Sicherheitsberater und US- Aussenminister, Chef von alles
    20 - Juan-Luis Themprian
    21 - Edmunds Clark
    22 - Kenneth Harry Clarke - ex-Finanzminister Grossbritannien
    23 - Luc Cohen
    24 - George David
    25 - Richard Ntiarlav
    26 - Mario Draghi - Chef der italienischen Zentralbank
    27 - Anders Elntroup
    28 - John Jacob Philip Elkann - Vizepräsident des Fiat-Konzerns
    29 - Thomas Enders - Chef Airbus
    30 - José Manuel Entrecanales - Chef des Baukonzerns Acciona Spanien
    31 - Niall Ferguson - [Rothschild personal biographer] Professor für Wirtschaft an der Havard Business School
    32 - Timothy Franz Geithner - Finanzminister der USA
    33 - Donald Graham
    34 - Victor Halberstadt - Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Uni Leiden
    35 - Ernst Chirs Ballina
    36 - Richard Holbrooke - Sonderbeauftragter für Pakistan und Afghanistan für Obama
    37 - Jaap de Hoop - NATO-Generalsekretär
    38 - James Logan Jones Jr. - Sicherheitsberater von Präsident Obama
    39 - Vernon Eulion Jordan - ehemaliger Berater von Präsident Clinton
    40 - Robert Kagan - US-Regierungsberater für Sicherheitspolitik, Terrorismus und den Balkan
    41 - Jyrki Katainen - Finanzminister Finnland
    42 - Mustafa Kots
    43 - Cohen Samiou
    44 - Henry Kravis - Hudson Institute
    45 - Marie-Josee Kravis - Hudson Institute
    46 - Neelie Kroes - EU-Kommissar für Wettbewerb
    47 - Odysseas Kyriakopoulos - Präsident des Verbandes Griechischer Industrien
    48 - Manuela Ferreira Leite - portugiesische Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin und Politikerin
    49 - Bernarntino Leon
    50 - Jessica Matthews
    51 - Philip Meistant
    52 - Frank McKenna - Vizevorsitzender der TD Bank Financial Group
    53 - John Micklethwait - Wirtschaftsredakteur The Economist
    54 - Tieri Montmprian
    55 - Mario Monti - Präsident der Wirtschaftsuniversität Luigi Bocconi
    56 - Miguel Ángel Moratinos - Aussenminister Spanien
    57 - Craig Mundie - Chefstratege Microsoft
    58 - Egkil Miklempast
    59 - Denis Olivennes - Direktor Nouvel Observateur Frankreich
    60 - Frederic Oudea - Chef Societe General Bank Frankreich
    61 - Cem Özdemir - Bundesvorsitzender der Partei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
    62 - Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa - ex-Finanzminister Italien
    63 - Dimitris Papalexopoulos - Chef Titan Cement Company S.A. Griechenland
    64 - Richard Pearl - Sicherheitsberater unter George W. Bush
    65 - David Petraeus - (présence à vérifier)
    66 - Manuel Pint
    67 - Robert Pritsarnt
    68 - Romano Prodi - ex-Ministerpräsident Italien, ex-Präsident der Europäischen Kommission
    69 - Heather Reisman - Chefin Indigo Books & Music Inc Kanada
    70 - Eivind Reiten - Generaldirektor des Petroleumskonzerns Norsk Hydro
    71 - Michael Ringier - Verwaltungsratspräsident der Ringier Holding AG, grösster Verlag der Schweiz
    72 - David Rockefeller - Banker, Gründer der Council on Foreign Relations und Trilateralen Kommission
    73 - Dennis Ross
    74 - Barnet Ruby
    75 - Alberto Ruiz-Gallardòn - Bürgermeister von Madrid
    76 - Susan Sampantzi Ntintzer
    77 - Intira Samarasekera
    78 - Rountol Solten -
    79 - Jürgen Schrempp - ex-Vorstandsvorsitzender der DaimlerChrysler AG
    80 - Pedro Solbes Mira - ex-Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister Spanien
    81 - Sampatzi Saraz
    82 - Sanata Seketa
    83 - Lawrence Summers - ex-Chefökonom der Weltbank, ex-Finanzminister unter Clinton, Wirtschaftsberater von Obama
    84 - Peter Sutherland
    85 - Martin Taylor
    86 - Peter Thiel - ex-Chef PayPal
    87 - Agan Ourgkout
    88 - Matti Vanhanen - Premieminister Finnland
    89 - Daniel Vasella - Chef von Novartis
    90 - Jeroen van der Veer - Chef Royal Dutch Shell
    91 - Guy Verhofstadt - ehemaliger Premierminister Belgien
    92 - Paul Volcker - ehemaliger Fed Chef, Wirtschaftsberater von Barack Obama
    93 - Jacob Wallenberg - Bankier und Grossindustrieller.
    94 - Marcus Wallenberg -
    95 - Nout Wellink - Chef der niederländischen Zentralbank, Mitglied der Europäischen Zentralbank
    96 - Hans Vizers -
    97 - Martin Wolf - Journalist der Financial Times
    98 - James David Wolfensohn - ehemaliger Präsident der Weltbank
    99 - Paul Wolfowitz - ex-Präsident der Weltbank, Berater von George W. Bush, und stellvertretender, ex-Verteidigungsminister der USA
    100 - Farint Zakaria - Journalist der Newsweek
    101 - Robert Zoellick - Präsident der Weltbank
    102 - Dora Bakoyannis - Aussenminister Griechenland
    103 - Anna Diamantopoulou - Parlamentsmitglied der PASOK Griechenland
    104 - I. Papathanasiou - Finanzminister Griechenland
    105 - G. Alogoskoufis - ehemaliger Minister Griechenland
    106 - George David - Präsident CocaCola Griechenland

cligno étoile


Voila une liste des personnalités françaises qui ont DÉJÀ participé à Bilderberg, depuis sa création:

    - Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (1968, 2003), former President of the French Republic
    - Lionel Jospin (1996), former Prime Minister of France
    - Georges Pompidou (1966), former President of the French Republic
    - Dominique de Villepin (2003), former Prime Minister of France
    - Laurent Fabius (1994), former Prime Minister of France
    - Michel Rocard (1986), former Prime Minister of France
    - Pierre Bérégovoy (1992), former Prime Minister of France
    - Edouard Balladur (1987), former Prime Minister of France
    - Raymond Barre (1983), former Prime Minister of France
    - Edgar Faure (1974), former Prime Minister of France
    - René Pleven (1963, 1966), former Prime Minister of France
    - Pierre Mendes-France (1968), former Prime Minister of France
    - Antoine Pinay (1954, 1955, 1963, 1964, 1966), former Prime Minister of France
    - Jean-Bernard Raimond (1994), former French Foreign Minister
    - Jean Francois-Poncet (1982, 1985, 1988), former French Foreign Minister
    - Michel Barnier (2007), former French Foreign Minister
    - Hubert Védrine (1987, 1992, 2008), former French Foreign Minister
    - Bernard Kouchner (2005), current Minister of Foreign Affairs (France)
    - Manuel Valls (2008), French Member of Parliament
    - Jean-Pierre Jouyet (2008), French Minister of European Affairs
    - Jean-Pierre Chevènement (1984, 1990), former Minister of Defense (France)
    - Jacques Attali (1975), French economist and scholar and former presidential adviser of France’s socialist government
    - Gaston Defferre (1964, 1966), former Mayor of Marseille
    - Maurice Herzog (1974), former Mayor of Chamonix
    - Philippe Seguin (1990), former Mayor of Epinal
    - Jean-Pierre Cot (1977), French politician, former Mayor of Coise
    - Olivier Guichard (1966, 1977), French politician, former French Minister of Justice
    - Guy Mollet (1954, 1955, 1957, 1963, 1966), former Socialist Prime Minister of France
    - Maurice Faure (1955, 1963, 1966)
    - Jacques Rueff (1958, 1966)

La politique française ne se décide pas au palais de l’Élysée.

La politique française ne se décide pas à l’Assemblée Nationale.

La politique française (et même la politique de tous les pays occidentaux) se décide lors des réunions du Groupe de Bilderberg.

Les micros sont interdits. Les caméras sont interdites. Les participants n’ont pas le droit de prendre de notes. Toutes les discussions doivent se tenir en langue anglaise.

cligno étoile

Dernière édition par invitée le Mar 4 Oct 2011 - 17:59, édité 4 fois
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Dernière édition par invitée le Dim 9 Déc 2012 - 23:49, édité 4 fois
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Localisation : Tarn


(ordre alphabétique)

(Present) Occupation

    BEL - Davignon, Etienne F. Honorary Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings; Vice Chairman,
    Suez Tractebel

    DEU - Ackermann, Josef Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive
    Committee, Deutsche Bank AG

    USA - Alexander, Keith B. Director, National Security Agency

    GRC - Alogoskoufis, George Member of Parliament

    USA - Altman, Roger C. Chairman and CEO, Evercore Partners, Inc.

    GRC - Arapoglou, Takis Chairman and CEO, National Bank of Greece

    TUR - Babacan, Ali Minister of State and Deputy Prime Minister

    GRC - Bakoyannis, Dora Minister of Foreign Affairs

    NOR - Baksaas, Jon Fredrik President and CEO, Telenor Group

    PRT - Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime

    FRA - Baverez, Nicolas Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP

    ITA - Bernabè, Franco CEO Telecom Italia SpA

    SWE - Bildt, Carl Minister of Foreign Affairs

    SWE - Björklund, Jan Minister for Education; Leader of the Lìberal Party

    CHE - Blocher, Christoph Former Swiss Counselor; Former Chairman and CEO, EMS Group

    FRA - Bompard, Alexandre CEO, Europe 1

    USA - Boot, Max Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, Council
    on Foreign Relations

    AUT - Bronner, Oscar Publisher and Editor, Der Standard

    FRA - Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA

    ESP - Cebrián, Juan Luis CEO, Grupo PRISA

    BEL - Coene, Luc Vice Governor, National Bank of Belgium

    USA Collins, Timothy C. Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC

    GRC - David, George A. Chairman, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Co. (H.B.C.) S.A.

    GRC - Diamantopoulou, Anna Member of Parliament

    ITA - Draghi, Mario Governor, Banca d'Italia

    USA - Eberstadt, Nicholas N. Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy, American
    Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

    DNK - Eldrup, Anders President, DONG Energy A/S

    ITA - Elkann, John Chairman, EXOR S.p.A.; Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.

    DEU - Enders, Thomas CEO, Airbus SAS

    ESP - Entrecanales, José Manuel Chairman, Acciona

    AUT - Faymann, Werner Federal Chancellor

    USA - Ferguson, Niall Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University

    IRL - Gleeson, Dermot Chairman, AIB Group

    USA - Graham, Donald E. Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company

    NLD - Halberstadt, Victor Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former
    Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings

    NLD - Hirsch Ballin, Ernst M.H. Minister of Justice

    USA - Holbrooke, Richard C. US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan

    NLD - Hommen, Jan H.M. Chairman, ING N.V.

    INT - Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de Secretary General, NATO

    USA - Johnson, James A. Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC

    USA - Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC

    FIN - Katainen, Jyrki Minister of Finance

    USA - Keane, John M. Senior Partner, SCP Partners; General, US Army, Retired

    USA - Kent, Muhtar President and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company

    GBR - Kerr, John Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc

    DEU - Klaeden, Eckart von Foreign Policy Spokesman, CDU/CSU

    USA - Kleinfeld, Klaus President and CEO, Alcoa Inc.

    TUR - Koç, Mustafa V. Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.

    DEU - Koch, Roland Prime Minister of Hessen

    TUR - Kohen, Sami Senior Foreign Affairs Columnist, Milliyet

    USA - Kravis, Henry R. Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.

    INT - Kroes, Neelie Commissioner, European Commission

    GRC - Kyriacopoulos, Ulysses Chairman and Board member of subsidiary companies
    of the S&B Group

    FRA - Lagarde, Christine Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment

    INT - Lamy, Pascal Director General, World Trade Organization

    PRT - Leite, Manuela Ferreira Leader, PSD

    ESP - León Gross, Bernardino General Director of the Presidency of the Spanish

    DEU - Löscher, Peter CEO, Siemens AG

    GBR - Mandelson, Peter Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory

    INT - Maystadt, Philippe President, European Investment Bank

    CAN - McKenna, Frank Former Ambassador to the US

    GBR - Micklethwait, John Editor-in-Chief, The Economist

    FRA - Montbrial, Thierry de President, French Institute for International Relations

    ITA - Monti, Mario President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

    ESP - Moratinos Cuyaubé, Miguel A. Minister of Foreign Affairs

    USA - Mundie, Craig J. Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation

    CAN - Munroe-Blum, Heather Principal and Vice Chancellor, McGill University

    NOR - Myklebust, Egil Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA

    DEU - Nass, Matthias Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

    NLD - Beatrix, H.M. the Queen of the Netherlands

    ESP - Nin Génova, Juan Maria President and CEO, La Caixa

    FRA - Olivennes, Denis CEO and Editor in Chief, Le Nouvel Observateur

    FIN - Ollila, Jorma Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc

    GBR - Osborne, George Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer

    FRA - Oudéa, Frédéric CEO, Société Générale

    ITA - Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso Former Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe

    GRC - Papahelas, Alexis Journalist, Kathimerini

    GRC - Papalexopoulos, Dimitris Managing Director, Titan Cement Co. S.A.

    GRC - Papathanasiou, Yannis Minister of Economy and Finance

    USA - Perle, Richard N. Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public
    Policy Research

    BEL - Philippe, H.R.H. Prince

    PRT - Pinho, Manuel Minister of Economy and Innovation

    INT - Pisani-Ferry, Jean Director, Bruegel

    CAN - Prichard, J. Robert S. President and CEO, Metrolinx

    ITA - Prodi, Romano Chairman, Foundation for Worldwide Cooperation

    FIN - Rajalahti, Hanna Managing Editor, Talouselämä

    CAN - Reisman, Heather M. Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

    NOR - Reiten, Eivind President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA

    CHE - Ringier, Michael Chairman, Ringier AG

    USA - Rockefeller, David Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank

    USA - Rubin, Barnett R. Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for
    International Cooperation, New York University

    TUR - Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan Chairman, Akbank

    CAN - Samarasekera, Indira V. President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Alberta

    AUT - Scholten, Rudolf Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische
    Kontrollbank AG

    USA - Sheeran, Josette Executive Director, UN World Food Programme

    ITA - Siniscalco, Domenico Vice Chairman, Morgan Stanley International

    ESP - Solbes, Pedro Vice-President of Spanish Government; Minister of Economy and

    ESP - Sophia, H.M. the Queen of Spain

    USA - Steinberg, James B. Deputy Secretary of State

    INT - Stigson, Bjorn President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development

    GRC - Stournaras, Yannis Research Director, Foundation for Economic and Industrial
    Research (IOBE)

    IRL - Sutherland, Peter D. Chairman, BP plc and Chairman, Goldman Sachs International

    INT - Tanaka, Nobuo Executive Director, IEA

    GBR - Taylor, J. Martin Chairman, Syngenta International AG

    USA - Thiel, Peter A. President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC

    DNK - Thorning-Schmidt, Helle Leader ofThe Social Democratic Party

    DNK - Thune Andersen, Thomas Partner and CEO, Maersk Oil

    AUT - Treichl, Andreas Chairman and CEO, Erste Group Bank AG

    INT - Trichet, Jean-Claude President, European Central Bank

    GRC - Tsoukalis, Loukas President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and
    Foreign Policy (ELlAMEP)

    TUR - Ugur, Agah CEO, Borusan Holding

    FIN - Vanhanen, Matti Prime Minister

    CHE - Vasella, Daniel L. Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

    NLD - Veer, Jeroen van der Chief Executive, Royal Dutch Shell plc

    USA - Volcker, Paul A. Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board

    SWE - Wallenberg, Jacob Chairman, Investor AB

    SWE - Wallenberg, Marcus Chairman, SEB

    NLD - Wellink, Nout President, De Nederlandsche Bank

    NLD - Wijers, Hans Chairman, AkzoNobel NV

    GBR - Wolf, Martin H. Associate Editor & Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial

    USA - Wolfensohn, James D. Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC

    USA - Wolfowitz, Paul Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public
    Policy Research

    INT - Zoellick, Robert B. President, The World Bank Group

    GBR - Bredow, Vendeline von Business Correspondent, The Economist (Rapporteur)

    GBR - McBride, Edward Business Editor, The Economist (Rapporteur)

cligno étoile



Final List of Participants

    Honorary Chairman BEL Davignon, Etienne Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel

    DEU - Ackermann, Josef Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG
    GBR - Agius, Marcus Chairman, Barclays Bank PLC
    ESP - Alierta, César Chairman and CEO, Telefónica
    INT - Almunia, Joaquín Commissioner, European Commission
    USA - Altman, Roger C. Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc.
    USA - Arrison, Sonia Author and policy analyst
    SWE - Bäckström, Urban Director General, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
    PRT - Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister
    ITA - Bernabè, Franco CEO, Telecom Italia S.p.A.
    SWE - Bildt, Carl Minister of Foreign Affairs
    FIN - Blåfield, Antti Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat
    ESP - Botín, Ana P. Executive Chairman, Banesto
    NOR - Brandtzæg, Svein Richard CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
    AUT - Bronner, Oscar Publisher and Editor, Der Standard
    TUR - Çakir, Ruşen Journalist
    CAN - Campbell, Gordon Premier of British Columbia
    ESP - Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime Managing Director, Advent International
    FRA - Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA
    ESP - Cebrián, Juan Luis CEO, PRISA
    ESP - Cisneros, Gustavo A. Chairman and CEO, Cisneros Group of Companies
    CAN - Clark, W. Edmund President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group
    USA - Collins, Timothy C. Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
    ITA - Conti, Fulvio CEO and General Manager, Enel SpA
    GRC - David, George A. Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.
    DNK - Eldrup, Anders CEO, DONG Energy
    ITA - Elkann, John Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
    DEU - Enders, Thomas CEO, Airbus SAS
    ESP - Entrecanales, José M. Chairman, Acciona
    DNK - Federspiel, Ulrik Vice President Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S
    USA - Feldstein, Martin S. George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University
    USA - Ferguson, Niall Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University
    AUT - Fischer, Heinz Federal President
    IRL - Gallagher, Paul Attorney General
    USA - Gates, William H. Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Chairman, Microsoft Corporation
    USA - Gordon, Philip H. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
    USA - Graham, Donald E. Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company
    INT - Gucht, Karel de Commissioner, European Commission
    TUR - Gürel, Z. Damla Special Adviser to the President on EU Affairs
    NLD - Halberstadt, Victor Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
    USA - Holbrooke, Richard C. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
    NLD - Hommen, Jan H.M. Chairman, ING Group
    USA - Hormats, Robert D. Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs
    BEL - Huyghebaert, Jan Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group
    USA - Johnson, James A. Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
    FIN - Katainen, Jyrki Minister of Finance
    USA - Keane, John M. Senior Partner, SCP Partners
    GBR - Kerr, John Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc.
    USA - Kissinger, Henry A. Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
    USA - Kleinfeld, Klaus Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
    TUR - Koç, Mustafa V. Chairman, Koç Holding A.Ş.
    USA - Kravis, Henry R. Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
    USA - Kravis, Marie-Josée Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.
    INT - Kroes, Neelie Commissioner, European Commission
    USA - Lander, Eric S. President and Director, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
    FRA - Lauvergeon, Anne Chairman of the Executive Board, AREVA
    ESP - León Gross, Bernardino Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister
    DEU - Löscher, Peter Chairman of the Board of Management, Siemens AG
    NOR - Magnus, Birger Chairman, Storebrand ASA
    CAN - Mansbridge, Peter Chief Correspondent, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
    USA - Mathews, Jessica T. President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    CAN - McKenna, Frank Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group
    GBR - Micklethwait, John Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
    FRA - Montbrial, Thierry de President, French Institute for International Relations
    ITA - Monti, Mario President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
    INT - Moyo, Dambisa F. Economist and Author
    USA - Mundie, Craig J. Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
    NOR - Myklebust, Egil Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA
    USA - Naím, Moisés Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Policy
    NLD - Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the
    ESP - Nin Génova, Juan María President and CEO, La Caixa
    DNK - Nyrup Rasmussen, Poul Former Prime Minister
    GBR - Oldham, John National Clinical Lead for Quality and Productivity
    FIN - Ollila, Jorma Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc
    USA - Orszag, Peter R. Director, Office of Management and Budget
    TUR - Özilhan, Tuncay Chairman, Anadolu Group
    ITA - Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso Former Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe
    GRC - Papaconstantinou, George Minister of Finance
    USA - Parker, Sean Managing Partner, Founders Fund
    USA - Pearl, Frank H. Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC
    USA - Perle, Richard N. Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
    ESP - Polanco, Ignacio Chairman, Grupo PRISA
    CAN - Prichard, J. Robert S. President and CEO, Metrolinx
    FRA - Ramanantsoa, Bernard Dean, HEC Paris Group
    PRT - Rangel, Paulo Member, European Parliament
    CAN - Reisman, Heather M. Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
    SWE - Renström, Lars President and CEO, Alfa Laval
    NLD - Rinnooy Kan, Alexander H.G. Chairman, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER)
    ITA - Rocca, Gianfelice Chairman, Techint
    ESP - Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander
    USA - Rose, Charlie Producer, Rose Communications
    USA - Rubin, Robert E. Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury
    TUR - Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan Chairman, Akbank
    ITA - Scaroni, Paolo CEO, Eni S.p.A.
    USA - Schmidt, Eric CEO and Chairman of the Board, Google
    AUT - Scholten, Rudolf Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
    DEU - Scholz, Olaf Vice Chairman, SPD
    INT - Sheeran, Josette Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme
    INT - Solana Madariaga, Javier Former Secretary General, Council of the European Union
    ESP - Spain, H.M. the Queen of
    USA - Steinberg, James B. Deputy Secretary of State
    INT - Stigson, Björn President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
    USA - Summers, Lawrence H. Director, National Economic Council
    IRL - Sutherland, Peter D. Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
    GBR - Taylor, J. Martin Chairman, Syngenta International AG
    PRT - Teixeira dos Santos, Fernando Minister of State and Finance
    USA - Thiel, Peter A. President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
    GRC - Tsoukalis, Loukas President, ELIAMEP
    INT - Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank
    USA - Varney, Christine A. Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust
    CHE - Vasella, Daniel L. Chairman, Novartis AG
    USA - Volcker, Paul A. Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board
    CHE - Voser, Peter CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc
    FIN - Wahlroos, Björn Chairman, Sampo plc
    CHE - Waldvogel, Francis A. Chairman, Novartis Venture Fund
    SWE - Wallenberg, Jacob Chairman, Investor AB
    NLD - Wellink, Nout President, De Nederlandsche Bank
    USA - West, F.J. Bing Author
    GBR - Williams, Shirley Member, House of Lords
    USA - Wolfensohn, James D. Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC
    ESP - Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez Prime Minister
    DEU - Zetsche, Dieter Chairman, Daimler AG
    INT - Zoellick, Robert B. President, The World Bank Group
    GBR - Bredow, Vendeline von Business Correspondent, The Economist
    GBR - Wooldridge, Adrian D. Business Correspondent, The Economist

cligno étoile

Dernière édition par invitée le Mar 4 Oct 2011 - 20:31, édité 6 fois
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Dernière édition par invitée le Dim 9 Déc 2012 - 23:51, édité 3 fois
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Dernière édition par invitée le Dim 9 Déc 2012 - 23:53, édité 4 fois
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Le dîner du Siècle réunit chaque dernier mercredi du mois le gratin politico-médiatico-industriel à l’hôtel Crillon, à Paris. Un rendez-vous d’ordinaire discret. Mais pour une fois, assistez à l’entrée des VIP…

Mercredi soir 27 octobre se tenait à l’hôtel Crillon, place de la Concorde à Paris, le rendez-vous mensuel du "dîner du Siècle", qui réunit sur parrainage le gratin politico-médiatico-industriel. Un rendez-vous mondain d’ordinaire discret, voire secret. Mais pour une fois, vous pouvez assister à l’entrée des happy few, accueillis entre deux rangées de CRS.

C’était le dîner du Siècle, avec :

  • Emmanuel Chain, producteur et journaliste

  • Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet : Secrétaire d’Etat au développement de l’Economie numérique

  • Arlette Chabot (journaliste, ex-directrice de la rédaction de France 2)

  • Rachida Dati (ex-Garde des Sceaux, maire du VIIe arrondissement de Paris, députée européenne, UMP)

  • Guillaume Pépy (patron de la SNCF)

  • Louis Gallois (patron d’EADS)

  • Nicolas Seydoux (président des cinémas Gaumont, héritier de la famille Schlumberger)

  • Pascal Clément (avocat, ancien Garde des Sceaux)

  • Sylvie-Pierre Brossolette (rédactrice en chef au magazine Le Point)

  • Marc Tessier (ex président de France Télévisions )

  • Alexandre Bompard (patron d’Europe 1)

  • Michel Field (animateur télé et radio, Au Field de la Nuit (TF1))

  • Patrick de Carolis (ex PDG de France Télévisions)

  • Françoise de Panafieu (UMP, ex maire du XVIIe arrondissement de Paris)

  • Alain-Gérard Slama (journaliste, RTL)

  • Olivier Duhamel (chroniqueur et animateur, Europe 1)

  • Benoît Genuini (ex médiateur de Pôle emploi)

Et bien d’autres…

  • Un représentant de Molex, peut-être le patron ?
  • Louis Schweitzer, ancien patron de Renault.
  • Patrick Devedjian, ancien d’Occident.
  • Denis Olivennes, directeur du Nouvel Observateur, ancien haut fonctionnaire, ancien DG d’Air France, ancien PDG de Numericable, ancien PDG de Canal+ France, ancien PDG la FNAC, etc.

Dernière édition par invitée le Dim 9 Déc 2012 - 23:55, édité 3 fois
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strass 1

Le site original de l'Institute of Study of Globalization and covert Politics (ISGP) a disparu du net il y a environ un mois; toutefois, il y a des gens qui ont pensé à le sauvegarder.
Je ne peux que vous conseiller de récupérer les pages suivantes (enregistrer sous...), ou la totalité du site, si vous savez utiliser un aspirateur de site), avant que cette copie ne disparaisse à son tour :

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Étant donné la taille des textes, je ne peux envisager leur traduction. C'est bien dommage, parce qu'on est bien loin, là, de la désinformation véhiculée par le conspirationnisme français.

Dernière édition par invitée le Dim 9 Déc 2012 - 23:59, édité 2 fois
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Localisation : Tarn



Mercredi, une liste confidentielle des membres de l’association « Le Siècle » a été mise en ligne depuis les Etats-Unis. Jusqu’à maintenant, ce club élitiste réunissant le gratin de la politique, des affaires et des médias avait tenté de maintenir le secret sur l’identité de ses adhérents. En vain.

A l’ère numérique, le secret absolu n’est plus possible. C’est ce que vont comprendre, à leur détriment, les participants d’un rituel mondain et ultra-select, dénommé le « dîner du Siècle ». Une fois par mois, à Paris, place de la Concorde, l’élite française se réunit en toute discrétion. Depuis hier, cette précaution est devenue inepte : -un site américain spécialisé, à l’instar de Wikileaks, dans la publication de documents sensibles- a mis en ligne la liste complète des participants au dîner du « Siècle » qui s’est tenu le 27 janvier 2010. Une controverse, liée à l’opacité et au but exact de ces réunions, subsiste depuis l’automne : suite à l’appel du réalisateur Pierre Carles, des rassemblements de protestation se tiennent chaque mois face à l’établissement dans lequel se réunissent les convives triés sur le volet. Au regard des nombreux témoignages rapportés par des anciens membres, une chose paraît certaine : fondé en 1944, le « Siècle » n’est ni une loge maçonnique complotant dans l’ombre ni un simple rassemblement huppé et sans conséquences. Le défaut de transparence, la mise en place d’un circuit parallèle de pouvoir échappant à tout examen démocratique et la connivence cultivée entre gens influents sont les principaux griefs adressés à cette association.

Quatre mois plus tard, le militantisme anti-élitaire s’est émoussé. Le diner du Siècle qui s’est déroulé mercredi 23 février, n’a pas connu l’opposition affichée lors des mois précédents. Outre le temps pluvieux, sans doute faut-il y voir la conséquence de la féroce répression policière déployée à l’occasion des rassemblements de janvier et de novembre. De nombreux manifestants avaient rapidement été interpellés et embarqués par les forces de sécurité.

Une nouvelle aristocratie

Le site Cryptome a dévoilé mercredi son précieux document, au jour même où se tenait, sans véritable contestation populaire, la dernière réunion du Siècle. Ce pdf de 98 pages, compressé pour téléchargement en fichier zip, est le bottin mondain par excellence : les noms des dizaines de personnalités ayant participé au dîner de janvier 2010, ainsi que leurs coordonnées professionnelles, y figurent. Les adresses privées de domicile ont été par contre gommées. But invoqué, en préambule du texte, par la mystérieuse source anonyme ? Donner la possibilité aux citoyens hostiles à cette pratique d’interpeller directement, par téléphone ou email, ses adeptes. La démarche se présente ici comme une contre-attaque : « La publication de la liste facilitera les protestations à l’encontre des dirigeants et de ceux qui contribuent à détruire l’héritage de la Résistance : notre sécurité sociale, notre système de pensions, nos services publics ».Si le document semble authentique, il confirme d’ores et déjà ce que l’on devinait à propos du « Siècle » : la société civile, les partis politiques radicaux et les « minorités visibles » n’y sont quasiment pas représentés. Une caste à part, secrètement affairiste et déconnectée de ce qui constitue pourtant la diversité –politique, économique et culturelle- de la société française.

***Liste non exhaustive des noms figurant dans la liste du dîner du 27 janvier 2010 et dans celle, également affichée, des anciens membres du conseil d’administration du Siècle :

En politique : Nicole Notat (nouvelle présidente du Siècle), Jérôme Monod (ex-conseiller à l’Élysée), Martine Aubry (PS), Anne-Marie Idrac (ex-secrétaire d’Etat au commerce), Pascal Lamy (OMC), Hubert Védrine (PS), François Baroin (porte-parole du gouvernement et ministre du Budget), Jean-Michel Berard (préfet), Marguerite Berard-Andrieu (conseillère technique à l’Élysée ), Xavier Bertrand (ministre de l’Emploi), Jean-Marie Cavada (eurodéputé), Olivier Dassault (député UMP), Rachida Dati (eurodéputé), Tony Dreyfus (député PS), Jean-Paul Faugère (directeur de cabinet du Premier ministre), Jean-Pierre Fourcade (sénateur UMP), Philippe Galli (préfet), Michel Gaudin (préfet de police de Paris), Hervé Gaymard (député UMP), Elisabeth Guigou (député PS), Hubert Haenel (sénateur UMP) , Christian Jacob (pdt du groupe parlementaire UMP), Pierre Joxe (PS, membre du Conseil Constitutionnel), Anne-Marie Lizin (sénatrice belge), Hervé Mariton (député UMP), Pierre Méhaignerie (député UMP), Catherine Nay (conseillère à l’Élysée), Françoise de Panafieu (député UMP), Pierre Steinmetz (membre du Conseil Constitutionnel), Henri Weber (PS, eurodéputé), Eric Woerth (alors ministre du Budget).

Dans le domaine médiatique et culturel : Marie-Louise Antoni (Le Monde), Olivier Nora (Grasset), Louis Schweitzer (Le Monde), Nicolas Baverez (Le Point, Le Monde), Jacques Attali, Véronique Cayla (Arte), Michèle Cotta (ex-France 2), Richard Descoings (Sciences Po), Denis Jeambar (éditions du Seuil, Marianne, IPJ), Alain Minc, Denis Olivennes (Europe 1, alors au Nouvel Obs), Alexandre Adler, Blandine Kriegel (philosophe), Pierre Assouline, Christopher Baldelli (RTL), Alexandre Bompard (Fnac, alors à Europe 1), Stéphane Boujnah (membre fondateur de SOS Racisme, dirigeant à la Deutsche Bank et à la Deutsche Securities Algeria), Takis Cadilis (Lagardère Entertainment), Monique Canto-Sperber (Ecole Normale Supérieure), Emmanuel Chain (producteur Tv), Teresa Cremisi (Flammarion), Axel Duroux (ex-TF1 et RTL), Bernard Fixot (éditions XO), Alain Genestar (Polka Magazine, ex-Paris Match) Antoine Herouard (secrétaire général de la Conférence des évêques de France) Emmanuel Hoog (INA), Serge July (ex-Libération), Julien Kouchner (CAPA), Pierre Louette (AFP), Rémy Pflimlin (France Télévisions), Sylvie Pierre-Brossolette (Le Point), Henri Pigeat (CFJ), PPDA, David Pujadas, Jean-Marie Rouart (Paris Match), Laurent Solly (TF1), Didier Quillot (Lagardère, Canal+), Nicolas de Tavernost (M6), Thomas Valentin (M6), Gérard Unger (LICRA), Lionel Zinsou (Libération /Rothschild Group).

En vrac : Jean Veil (avocat de Jacques Chirac), Denis Kessler (ex-vice-pdt du MEDEF), Jean-Pierre Jouyet (AMF), Marie-Hélène Berard (trésorière de la chambre de commerce France- Israël et de la Fondation Chirac), l’Allemand Joachim Bitterlich (Veolia Environnement), Christian de Boissieu (conseiller économique auprès de Matignon), Jean-Paul Costa (pdt de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme), Anne-Marie Couderc (Lagardère Active), Denis Delmas (pdt de TNS Sofres), Jérôme Jaffré (CECOP), Philippe Delmas (ex-vice-pdt Airbus), Frank Esser (pdg SFR), Louis Gallois(pdt exécutif EADS), Benoît Genuini (médiateur national de Pôle emploi), Philippe Ingall-Montagnier (procureur général près la cour d’appel de Versailles), Georges Kiejman (avocat), Bruno Laserre (pdt de l’Autorité de la concurrence), Jean-Bernard Lévy (pdt de Vivendi), Thierry de Montbrial (IFRI), Christian Noyer (gouverneur de la Banque de France), Michel Prada (ex-AMF).

***Annexe : extraits sélectionnés du document mis en ligne par Cryptome


à la loupe


Communiqué du CFC-BAP : Une liste de membres du Siècle a fuité sur le Net !
jeudi 24 février 2011

On nous a signalé que la liste des invités du Dîner du Siècle de janvier 2010 avait fuité sur le Net hier mercrdi 23 février 2011, jour du fameux dîner mensuel. Elle est téléchargeable sur le site (ligne: - Le Siécle French Elite Club Secret Member Data - February 23, 2011 -9.6MB)

Cette liste, qui provient directement d’une source interne au Siècle, contient le CV des participants ainsi que leurs coordonnées professionnelles. C’est donc un document de première main, même s’il a été expurgé de toutes les coordonnées personnelles.

Nous avons appris que d’autres listes du même type devraient bientôt suivre, et nous nous félicitons de cette initiative, qui devrait permettre à tous et toutes de mieux connaître Le Siècle et les individus qui le fréquentent.

Le Collectif Fini les Concessions - CFC-BAP - Branche Armée... de Patience

à la loupe

Très probable que cette fuite ait été organisée et que certains membres n'y figurent pas...
Ils ont décidé de chambouler complètement notre socièté; alors, nous dévoiler l'identité de responsables qui, de toute façon, n'auront bientôt plus de rôle officiel à jouer, ne les dérange pas. Par contre, ceux qui vont reprendre le flambeau ou qui nous présentent, par la propagande, la "solution" (toujours celle de ceux qui tirent les ficelles en coulisse, bien sûr, aussi éloignée puisse-t-elle paraître à première vue de la ligne de conduite précédemment suivie), ne figureront certainement pas sur cette liste.
Ce qui leur donnera, de plus, une certaine crédibilité auprès des opposants.

Dernière édition par invitée le Mar 4 Oct 2011 - 20:21, édité 1 fois
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L'élite mondiale de la finance, de l'économie, de la politique et des médias s'est rassemblée au grand meeting annuel du Groupe de Bilderberg qui s'est tenu du 9 au 12 juin 2011 au palace 5 étoiles Suvretta House à St Moritz, en Suisse.

Voici la liste des invités connus par pays. On notera la présence pour la première fois, du moins à notre connaissance, de participants chinois.

Gouvernement mondial

    - David Rockefeller, ex président de la Chase Manhattan Bank, co-fondateur du Groupe de Bilderberg et de la Commission Trilatérale, ex président du Council on Foreign Relation (CFR)
    - Henry Kissinger, président de Kissinger Associates, ex ministre des affaires étrangères, ex directeur de la Sécurité Nationale
Pascal Lamy, directeur général de l'OMC (Organisation Mondiale du Commerce), ex commissaire européen chargé du Commerce
    - Robert Zoellick, président de la Banque Mondiale
    - James Wolfensohn, président de Wolfensohn & Company, ex président de la Banque Mondiale
    - Jean-Claude Trichet, président de la Banque Centrale Européenne
    - Joaquín Almunia, vice-président de la Commission Européenne
    - Neelie Kroes, vice-présidente de la Commission Européenne
    - Herman van Rompuy, président de l'Europe (président du Conseil Européen)
    - Frans vanDaele, directeur de cabinet d'Herman van Rompuy
    - Javier Solana, ex secrétaire général de l'OTAN, président du think tank Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics
    - Josette Sheeran, directrice exécutive du programme alimentaire mondial des Nations Unies
    - Josef Ackermann, président de la Deutsche Bank
    - Thomas Enders, président d'Airbus
    - Peter Löscher, président de Siemens
    - Matthias Nass, rédacteur en chef de politique internationale au quotidien Die Zeit
    - Peer Steinbrück, député au Bundestag; ex ministre des finances
    - Werner Faymann, chancellier d'Autriche
    - Walter Rothensteiner, président du directoire de la Banque centrale autrichienne
    - Rudolf Scholten, directeur exécutif de la Oesterreichische Kontrollbank
    - Oscar Bronner, Directeur et rédacteur en chef de Standard Medien
    - Etienne Davignon, président du Bilderberg, président de la Société Générale de Belgique, ex PDG de Suez Tractabel
    - Luc Coene, gouverneur de la Banque centrale de Belgique
    - Thomas Leysen, PDG de Umicore
    - Mark J. Carney, Gouverneur de la Banque centrale du Canada
    - Edmund Clark, président de TD Bank Financial Group
    - Frank McKenna, administrateur de TD Bank Financial Group
    - James Orbinksi, professeur de médecine et de sciences politiques à l'université de Toronto
    - J. Robert S. Prichard, président de Torys LLP
    - Heather Reisman, président des éditions Indigo Books & Music Inc. Center, Brookings Institution
    - Ying Fu, vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères
    - Yiping Huang, professeur d'économie au China Center for Economic Research, Université de Pékin
    - Cheng Li, directeur de recherche de John L. Thornton China
    - Anders Eldrup, président de DONG Energy
    - Ulrik Federspiel, président de Haldor Topsoe
    - Peter Schütze, directeur exécutif de Nordea Bank
    - Juan Luis Cebrián, président de PRISA
    - María Dolores de Cospedal, secrétaire général du Parti Populaire (principal parti de droite en Espagne)
    - Bernardino León Gross, secrétaire général de la présidence espagnole
    - Juan María Nin Génova, président de la banque La Caixa
    - Sofia, reine d'Espagne
    - Alexander Keith, directeur de la NSA
    - Roger C. Altman, président de Evercore Partners Inc.
    - Jeff Bezos, fondateur et président de
    - Timothy C. Collins, président de Ripplewood Holdings
    - Martin S. Feldstein, professeur d'économie à l'université de Harvard
    - Reid Hoffman, co-fondateur et directeur exécutif du réseau social professionel LinkedIn
    - Chris R. Hughes, co-fondateur de Facebook
    - Kenneth M. Jacobs, président de la banque Lazard
    - James A. Johnson, vice-président de Perseus
    - Vernon E. Jordan Jr., directeur de la banque Lazard
    - John M. Keane, général à la retraite de l'US Army
    - Klaus Kleinfeld, président de Alcoa (leader mondial de l'aluminium)
    - Henry R. Kravis, vice-président de Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
    - Marie-Josée Kravis, directrice du think tank Hudson Institute
    - Craig J. Mundie, directeur de recherche et conseiller en stratégie chez Microsoft
    - Peter R. Orszag, vice-président de Citigroup Global Markets
    - Richard Perle, ex conseiller à la Défense de l'administration Bush, membre du Project for a New American Century (PNAC, think tank néo-conservateur), directeur du think tank American Enterprise Institute
    - Charlie Rose, rédacteur en chef et chroniqueur à Charlie Rose
    - Robert E. Rubin, vice-président du Council on Foreign Relations, ex secrétaire d'état au Trésor
    - Eric Schmidt, président de Google
    - James B. Steinberg, vice secrétaire d'état (vice ministre des affaires étrangères auprès de Hillary Clinton)
    - Peter A. Thiel, président de Clarium Capital Management
    - Christine A. Varney, procureur général pour l'application de la loi anti-trust
    - James W. Vaupel, directeur du Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
    - Kevin Warsh, ex membre du directoire de la FED (banque centrale américaine)
    - Matti Apunen, directeur du think tank Finnish Business and Policy Forum
    - Ole Johansson, président de la Confederation of the Finnish Industries (fédération du patronat finlandais)
    - Jorma Ollila, président de Royal Dutch Shell, ex président de Nokia
    - Mikael Pentikäinen, rédacteur en chef de Helsingin Sanomat
    - Nicolas Baverez, membre du comité directeur de l'Institut Montaigne (think tank libéral), avocat, éditorialiste au Point, membre du "comité d'éthique" du MEDEF,
    - Nicolas Bazire, directeur du management chez LVMH, ex directeur de cabinet du premier ministre Edouard Balladur
    - Henri de Castries, président d'AXA
    - Maurice Lévy, président du groupe Publicis
    - Thierry de Montbrial, président de l'IFRI (think tank, équivalent français du CFR américain)
    - Olivier Roy, professeur de sciences sociales et politiques à l'European University Institute
    - Marcus Agius, président de la banque Barclays
    - Douglas J. Flint, président de la banque HSBC Holdings
    - John Kerr, membre de la Chambre des Lords, vice-président de Royal Dutch Shell
    - Richard Lambert, directeur de l'agence de publicité Ernst & Young
    - Peter Mandelson, ex commissaire européen au Commerce, membre de la Chambre des Lords, président de Global Counsel
    - John Micklethwait, rédacteur en chef de The Economist
    - George Osborne, chancellier de l'Echiquier (ministre des Finances)
    - Rory Stewart, député du Pari Conservateur
    - J. Martin Taylor, président de Syngenta International (multinationale de biotechnologies)
    - George A. David, Chairman, président de la filiale grecque de Coca-Cola
    - Gikas A. Hardouvelis, économiste en chef et directeur de recherche à Eurobank EFG
    - George Papaconstantinou, ministre des finances
    - Loukas Tsoukalis, président de ELIAMEP Grisons
    - Paul Gallagher, ex procureur général
    - Michael McDowell, ex vice premier ministre
    - Peter Sutherland, président de Goldman Sachs International, directeur non exécutif de la Royal Bank of Scotland, ex commissaire européen chargé de la Concurrence, ex président de British Petroleum (BP)
    - Franco Bernabè, président de Telecom Italia
    - John Elkann, président de Fiat
    - Mario Monti, ex commissaire européen chargé du Marché intérieur, président de Univers Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
    - Paolo Scaroni, président de ENI
    - Giulio Tremonti, ministre des finances
    - Egil Myklebust, ex président du directoire de SAS Hydro
    - Haakon, Prince héritier de Norvège
    - Ole Petter Ottersen, recteur de l'université d'Oslo
    - Erna Solberg, leader du Parti Conservateur
    - Marc J. Bolland, directeur excécutif de Marks and Spencer Group
    - Marc E. Chavannes, éditorialiste politique à NRC Handelsblad, professeur de journalisme
    - Victor Halberstadt, professeur d'économie à l'université de Leiden, ex conseiller de la Reine Beatrix
    - Uri Rosenthal, ministre des Affaires étrangères
    - Jaap W. Winter, professeur de management et de gouvernance d'entreprise
    - Francisco Pinto Balsemão, président de IMPRESA (principal groupe de presse portugais), ex premier ministre
    - Clara Ferreira Alves, président de Claref LDA, écrivain
    - António Nogueira Leite, membre du directoire à José de Mello Investimentos SGPS
    - Alexey A. Mordashov, président de Severstal
    - Carl Bildt, ministre des Affaires étrangères
    - Ewa Björling, ministre du Commerce
    - Jacob Wallenberg, président de la banque d'investissement Investor AB
    - Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, président de Nestlé
    - Hans Groth, Senior Director, Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business Unit, Pfizer Europe
    - Barbara Janom Steiner, Head of the Department of Justice, Security and Health, Canton
    - André Kudelski, président de Kudelski Group
    - Doris Leuthard, Conseillère fédérale
    - Martin Schmid, président du gouvernement cantonal de Grisons
    - Rolf Schweiger, Member of the Swiss Council of States
    - Rolf Soiron, président du directoire de Holcim Ltd et Lonza Ltd.
    - Daniel L. Vasella, président de la multinationale pharmaceutique Novartis
    - Jürg Witmer, président de Givaudan SA et de Clariant AG
    - Süreyya Ciliv, président de Iletisim Hizmetleri
    - Tayyibe Gülek Domac, Former Minister of State
    - Mustafa V. Koç, président de Koç Holding
    - Pekin Sefika, Founding Partner, Pekin & Bayar Law Firm

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*Executive Committee

European Chairman
North American Chairman
Pacific Asian Chairman
Deputy Chairman
North American
Deputy Chairman
Pacific Asian
Deputy Chairman
Deputy Chairman
North American
Deputy Chairman
Pacific Asian
Deputy Chairman

Founder and Honorary Chairman

Honorary Chairman
Honorary Chairman
North American
Honorary Chairman


European Director
North American Director
Pacific Asian Director


    Alexandre Adler, Scientific Director for Geopolitics, University of Paris-Dauphine; Journalist and Commentator, Paris
    Urban Ahlin, Member of the Swedish Parliament and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Stockholm

    *Esko Aho, Executive Vice President, Nokia, Helsinki; former Prime Minister of Finland

    *Edmond Alphandéry, Chairman, CNP Assurances, Paris; former Chairman, Electricité de France (EDF); former Minister of the Economy and Finance

    Jacques Andréani, Ambassadeur de France, Paris; former Ambassador to the United States

    Jorge Armindo, Chairman, Amorim Turismo, Lisbon

    Jerzy Baczynski, Editor-in-Chief, Polityka, Warsaw

    Estela Barbot, former Director, AGA; Director, Bank Santander Negocios; Member of the General Council, AEP -- Portuguese Business Association, Porto; General Honorary Consul of Guatemala, Lisbon

    *Erik Belfrage, Chairman of the Board, Consilio International AB; Senior Vice President, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken; Director, Investor AB, Stockholm

    Marek Belka, President, National Bank of Poland, Warsaw; former Director, European Department, International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C.; former Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Geneva; former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Poland; former Ambassador-at-Large and Chairman, Council for International Coordination, Coalition Provisional Authority, Baghdad

    Baron Jean-Pierre Berghmans, Chairman, Lhoist Group, Limelette, Belgium

    Nils Bernstein, Governor by Royal Appointment, Chairman of the Board of Governors, National Bank of Denmark, Copenhagen

    *Georges Berthoin, International Honorary Chairman, European Movement; Honorary Chairman, The Jean Monnet Association; Honorary European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission, Paris

    Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; former Chairman, Kreab Group of public affairs companies; former Chairman, Nordic Venture Network, Stockholm; former Member of the Swedish Parliament, Chairman of the Moderate Party and Prime Minister of Sweden; former European Union High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina & UN Special Envoy to the Balkans

    Manfred Bischoff, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Daimler AG, Munich; former Member of the Board of Management, Daimler AG; former Chairman, EADS

    Antonio Borges, former Director of the European Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington D.C.; former Chairman, Hedge Fund Standards Board, London

    Tzvetelina Borislavova, Founder, Owner and Chairperson, CSIF; former Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, CIBANK, Sofia

    Ana Patricia Botin, Chief Executive Officer, Santander UK; Member of Santander Group’s Management Committee; Member of the Board of Banco Santander and of the Executive committee, Madrid

    Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Member, State Audit Court (Cour des Comptes), Paris; Associated Professor, Institute for Political Studies in Paris; former Member of the European Parliament, Brussels; former President of the European Movement in France, Paris

    *Jorge Braga de Macedo, President, Tropical Research Institute, Lisbon; Professor of Economics, Nova University at Lisbon; Chairman, Forum Portugal Global; former Minister of Finance

    *Lord Brittan of Spennithorne, Vice Chairman, UBS Investment Bank, London; Trade Adviser to the Prime Minister; former Vice President, European Commission

    Jean-Louis Bruguière, Representative of the French Presidency of the Republic on the EU Equivalent TFTP Project; former EU High Representative to the United States on the Terrorism Finance Tracking Programme (TFTP/SWIFT); Judge, Paris

    John Bruton, former European Union Ambassador & Head, Delegation of the European Commission to the United States; former Prime Minister of Ireland, Dublin

    Robin Buchanan, Senior Adviser, Bain & Company, London; former Dean and President, London Business School

    Patrick Buffet, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ERAMET, Paris

    *François Bujon de l'Estang, Ambassadeur de France; Senior International Adviser, Citi France; former Chairman, Citi France, Paris; former Ambassador to the United States

    Edelgard Bulmahn, Member of the German Bundestag; former Federal Minister, Berlin

    Richard Burrows, Chairman, British American Tobacco, London; former Governor, Bank of Ireland; former President, IBEC (The Irish Business and Employers Confederation), Dublin

    Erhard Busek, Chairman, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM); President, EU-Russia Centre; President, European Forum Alpbach; former Special Co-ordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe; former Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister, Vienna

    Hervé de Carmoy, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, ETAM, Paris; Honorary Chairman, Banque Industrielle et Mobilière Privée, Paris; former Chief Executive, Société Générale de Belgique

    Jürgen Chrobog, Chairman, BMW Stiftung Herbert Quandt, Berlin; former German Deputy Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the United States

    Luc Coene, Minister of State; Deputy Governor, National Bank of Belgium, Brussels

    Bertrand Collomb, Honorary Chairman, Lafarge; Chairman, Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie (IHEST); Chairman, Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI); Member of the Institut de France, Paris

    Patrick Combes, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Compagnie Financière Tradition and Viel & Cie., Paris

    Iain Conn, Managing Director and Chief Executive of Refining & Marketing, BP, London

    *Richard Conroy, Chairman, Conroy Gold and Natural Resources, Dublin; Member of Senate, Republic of Ireland

    Jean-François Copé, Member of the French National Assembly; Secretary General of the UMP Party; former Member of the French Government, Paris

    Eckhard Cordes, Chief Executive Officer, Metro Group, Düsseldorf; former CEO Haniel, Duisburg; former Member of the Board, DaimlerChrysler

    *Alfonso Cortina, Vice Chairman of Rothschild Europe; Senior Advisor for Spain and Latin America of Rothschild; Senior Advisor for Spain of Texas Pacific Group; Member of the Board of Directors of Mutua Madrileña; Member of the International Advisory Board of Allianz AG, Madrid

    Eduardo Costa, Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Finantia, Lisbon; Member, Forum Portugal Global

    Enrico Tomaso Cucchiani, Member of the Board of Management, Allianz SE, Munich; Chairman, Allianz S.p.A., Trieste

    Caroline Daniel, Editor, FT Weekend, Financial Times, London

    Marta Dassù, General Director, Aspen Institute Italia; Editor, Aspenia, Rome

    Michel David-Weill, former Chairman, Lazard LLC, worldwide; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, EURAZEO, Paris

    *Vladimir Dlouhy, International Advisor, Goldman Sachs; former Czechoslovak Minister of Economy; former Czech Minister of Industry & Trade, Prague; European Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission

    Pedro Miguel Echenique, Professor of Physics, University of the Basque Country; President, Foundation Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC); former Basque Minister of Education, San Sebastian

    Gabriel Eichler, Founder, Benson Oak, Prague

    John Elkann, Chairman, Fiat Group, Turin

    Anna Ekström, Director General, The Swedish National Agency for Education, Skolverket, Stockholm

    Guy Elliott, Finance Director, Rio Tinto, London

    Oscar Fanjul, Vice Chairman, Omega Capital; former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Repsol, Madrid

    Nemesio Fernandez-Cuesta, Executive Director of Upstream, Repsol-YPF; former Chairman, Prensa Española, Madrid

    Jürgen Fitschen, Member of the Management Board and Member of the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt-am-Main

    Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger, Foreign Editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main

    Louise Fresco, University Professor, University of Amsterdam; Member of the Board of non-executive Directors, RABO Bank, Utrecht; former Assistant Director-General, Head of Agriculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome

    Hugh Friel, Chairman, Tourism Ireland; former Chief Executive Officer, Kerry Group, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland

    *Michael Fuchs, Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin; Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group; former President, National Federation of German Wholesale & Foreign Trade; European Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission

    *Antonio Garrigues Walker, Chairman, Garrigues Abogados y Asesores Tributarios, Madrid

    Clara Gaymard, President and Chief Executive Officer, GE France, Paris; City Initiative Leader for GE International

    Wolfgang Gerhardt, Member of the German Bundestag; Chairman of the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation; former Chairman of the Free Democratic Party, Berlin

    Esther Giménez-Salinas, Rector, Ramon Llull University; Professor of Criminal Law, ESADE Law School, Ramon Llull University, Barcelone

    Dermot Gleeson, Chairman of the Governing Body of University College Cork, and of Travelport Jersey Ltd.; former Chairman, AIB Group, Dublin

    Pier Francesco Guarguaglini, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Finmeccanica, Rome

    Federica Guidi, Chief Executive and Vice President, DUCATI Energia, Bologna; Member of the Board of Directors, DUCATI Energia Group; National President of Confindustria Young Entrepreneurs

    Elisabeth Guigou, Deputy Chairperson and Member of the French National Assembly; former Minister for European Affairs, Paris

    General The Lord Guthrie, former Director, N M Rothschild & Sons, London; Member of the House of Lords; former Chief of the Defence Staff, London

    Nigel Higgins, Chief Executive, The Rothschild Group, London

    Wolfgang Ischinger, Global Head of Government Relations, Allianz SE, Munich; Chairman, The Munich Security Conference on Security Policy; former European Member of the Troïka on the Kosovo Status Determination; former German Deputy Foreign Minister and former German Ambassador to the United States and to the United Kingdom

    *Mugur Isarescu, Governor, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest; former Prime Minister

    Baron Daniel Janssen, Honorary Chairman, Solvay, Brussels

    Lady Barbara Judge, Chairman, UK Pension Protection Fund, London; former Chairman, UKAEA (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority); former US Securities Exchange Commissioner

    Admiral Juhani Kaskeala, former Chief of the Finnish Defence Forces, Helsinki

    *Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc; Member of the House of Lords, London; former British Ambassador to the United States; former Secretary General, European Convention; Chairman of the Advisory Group to the Trilateral Commission (Europe)

    Lauri Kivinen, Chief Executive Officer, Yleisradio Oy, Helsinki

    Sixten Korkman, Managing Director, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) & Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA), Helsinki

    Arpad Kovacs, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Hungarian Power Companies; Professor, Szeged University; former President, State Audit Office of Hungary, Budapest

    Gabor Kovacs, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bankar Holding; Founder, KOGART (the Kovacs Gabor Art Foundation), Budapest

    Jerzy Kozminski, President and Chief Executive Officer, Polish-American Freedom Foundation; former Ambassador to the United States; former First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw

    Jiri Kunert, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, UniCredit Bank Czech Republic; President of the Czech Association of Banks, Prague

    Meglena Kuneva, Chairman of the Board, European Policy Center; former Member of the European Commission (Consumer Policy); former Minister of European Affairs and European Commission Chief Negotiator, Sofia

    Ulysses Kyriacopoulos, Chairman, S&B Industrial Minerals; former Chairman, Federation of Greek Industries, Athens

    Kurt Lauk, Former Member of the European Parliament (EPP Group-CDU); Chairman, Globe Capital Partners, Stuttgart; President, Economic Council of the CDU Party, Berlin; Former Member of the Board, DaimlerChrysler, Stuttgart

    Anne Lauvergeon, former Chief Executive Officer, AREVA, Paris

    *Eli Leenaars, Member, ING Management Board Banking; Member and Treasurer, Confederation of the Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW), Amsterdam

    Enrico Letta, Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies; former Under State Secretary in the Office of Prime Minister Prodi; former Minister of European Affairs, Industry, and of Industry and International Trade, Rome

    *Thomas Leysen, Chairman of the Board, Umicore, Brussels

    *Bo Lidegaard, Executive Editor-in-Chief, Politiken, Copenhagen

    *Marianne Lie, Partner, Vox Politica; former Director General, Norwegian Shipowner’s Association, Oslo

    Erkki Liikanen, Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland, Helsinki; former Finnish Minister of Finance; former European Commissioner

    Rachel Lomax, Director, HSBC; Director, BAA; former Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, London

    Peter Löscher, Chief Executive Officer, Siemens, Munich

    Miroslav Majoroš, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, Slovak Telekom; Chief Executive Officer, T-Com T-Mobil (Deutsche Telekom), Bratislava

    Abel Matutes, Chairman, Empresas Matutes Group, Ibiza; former Member of the European Commission, Brussels; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Madrid

    Lord Mandelson, Member of the House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel; Senior Advisor, Lazard; former European Trade Commissioner; former First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in the UK; former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Former Trade and Industry Secretary in the UK

    Friedrich Merz, President, Atlantik-Brücke, Berlin; Partner, Mayer Brown, Berlin; former Member of the German Bundestag; former Member of the European Parliament; former Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the CDU/CSU in the Bundestag, Berlin

    Peter Mitterbauer, Honorary President, The Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna; President and Chief Executive Officer, Miba, Laakirchen

    Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor to the Director General of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), Paris

    *Mario Monti, Prime Minister of Italy and Minister of Economy and Finance; former President, Bocconi University, Milan; former Member of the European Commission (Competition Policy and Internal Market); Honorary President, BRUEGEL, Brussels; European Chairman, Trilateral Commission

    Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman, Hermes EOS; former Chairman Royal Dutch Shell Group and Anglo American; Chairman, The Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

    Klaus-Peter Müller, Chairman of the Board, Commerzbank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former CEO, Commerzbank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former President, Association of German Banks (BDB), Berlin

    Harald Norvik, Chairman of the Board, Telenor; Member of the Board, Conocophillips; former President and Chief Executive, Statoil, Oslo

    Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Austrian National Bank; former Chief Executive Officer, BAWAG P.S.K., Vienna

    Denis O’Brien, Chairman, Digicel; Founder, Communicorp Group, Dublin

    Arend Oetker, President, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP); Vice Chairman, Federation of German Industries; Managing Director, Dr. Arend Oetker Holding, Berlin

    *Andrzej Olechowski, Founder, Civic Platform; former Chairman, Bank Handlowy; former Minister of Foreign Affairs and of Finance, Warsaw

    Richard Olver, Chairman, BAE Systems, London.

    Alexis Papahelas, Editor-in-Chief, Kathimerini, Athens; Secretary General of the Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy; Leading Correspondent, The Files

    Lord Patten of Barnes, Chancellor of the University of Oxford; Chairman, BBC Trust; Co-Chairman, International Crisis Group, Brussels; former Member of the European Commission (External Relations), Brussels; former Governor of Hong Kong; former Member of the British Cabinet, London

    Volker Perthes, Executive Chairman and Director, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin

    Carlo Pesenti, Managing Director, Italcementi, Bergamo

    Dieter Pfundt, Senior Advisor, Silvia Quandt & Cie., Frankfurt-am-Main

    *Ursula Plassnik, Ambassador of Austria to France; former Member of the Austrian Parliament; U.N. Special Envoy for International Women Issues; former Federal Minister for European and International Affairs, Vienna

    Ignacio Polanco, Chairman, Grupo Prisa including El Pais and Timon, Madrid

    Benoît Potier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Air Liquide, Paris

    Borja Prado, Chairman, Endesa; Chairman, Mediobanca Spain for Iberia and South-America, Madrid

    Rasvan Radu, Chief Executive Officer, UniCredit Tiriac Bank, Bucharest

    Dieter Rampl, Chairman, UniCredit Group, Milan

    Luigi Ramponi, Member of the Italian Senate; former Chairman of the Defence Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Rome; former Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Italian Army)

    Denis Ranque, Chairman, Technicolor, Paris; former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Thales, Paris

    Wanda Rapaczynski, Advisor to the Supervisory Board and former President of the Management Board, Agora, Warsaw

    Heinz Riesenhuber, Member of the German Bundestag; former Federal Minister of Research and Technology, Berlin; Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Kabel Deutschland and of Evotec

    Alexander Rinnooy Kan, Chairman, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), The Hague

    Gianfelice Rocca, Chairman, Techint Group of Companies, Milan; Vice President, Confindustria, Rome

    Fernando Rodés Vilà, Chief Executive Officer, Havas Group, Barcelona & Paris

    Count Jacques Rogge, President, International Olympic Committee, Lausanne; former President of the Belgian Federal Committee and of the European Olympic Committees

    H. Onno Ruding, Chairman, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels; former Vice Chairman, Citibank; former Dutch Minister of Finance

    Marcello Sala, Executive Vice Chairman of the Management Board, Intesa Sanpaolo Group, Milan

    *Ferdinando Salleo, Vice Chairman, MCC (Mediocredito Centrale), Rome; former Ambassador to the United States

    Jacques Santer, Honorary State Minister, Luxembourg; former Member of the European Parliament; former President of the European Commission; former Prime Minister of Luxembourg

    Andreas Schmitz, President, Association of German Banks (BDB), Berlin; Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt, Düsseldorf

    Henning Schulte-Noelle, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and former Chief Executive Officer, Allianz, Munich

    Karel Schwarzenberg, Member of the Czech Senate; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs; Founder and Director, Nadace Bohemiae, Prague; former Chancellor to President Havel

    *Carlo Secchi, Professor of European Economic Policy and former Rector, Bocconi University; Vice President, ISPI, Milan; former Member of the Italian Senate and of the European Parliament

    Maurizio Sella, Chairman, Gruppo Banca Sella, Biella; former Chairman, Association of Italian Banks (A.B.I.), Rome

    Tomasz Sielicki, Vice Chairman, Sygnity, Warsaw

    Slawomir S. Sikora, Chief Executive Officer and Citigroup Country Officer for Poland, Bank Handlowy w Warszawie, Warsaw

    Stefano Silvestri, President, Institute for International Affairs (IAI), Rome; Commentator, Il Sole 24 Ore; former Under Secretary of State for Defence, Italy

    Javier Solana, President, ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics; Advisor on International Strategy, Acciona Group, Madrid; former Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy; former Secretary General of NATO; former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Spain and Member of the Parliament, Madrid

    Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive Officer, WPP Group, London

    *Ivan Šramko, Advisor for the CEE & SEE Regions, Intesa Sanpaolo Group; Former Governor of the National Bank of Slovakia, Bratislava

    *Petar Stoyanov, former President of the Republic of Bulgaria; Member of the Bulgarian Parliament
    and Chairman of Parliamentary Group of United Democratic Forces; Chairman of Union of Democratic Forces, Sofia

    Peter Straarup, Chairman of the Executive Board, Danske Bank, Copenhagen; Chairman, the Danish Bankers Association

    *György Surányi, Regional Head of Central Eastern Europe, Intesa Sanpaolo Group; Chairman, Central European International Bank (CIB), Budapest; former President of the National Bank of Hungary

    *Peter Sutherland, Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman of the London School of Economics; UN Special Representative for Migration and Development; former Chairman, BP p.l.c.; former Director General, GATT/WTO; former Member of the European Commission; former Attorney General of Ireland; Honorary European Chairman, Trilateral Commission

    Mihai Tanasescu, Senior Adviser and Member of the Executive Board, International Monetary Fund (IMF); former Minister of Public Finance of Romania, Bucharest

    Andreas Treichl, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Erste Group Bank AG, Vienna

    Marco Tronchetti Provera, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pirelli & C., Milan; Deputy Chairman, Confindustria, Rome; former Chairman, Telecom Italia

    Elsbeth Tronstad, Executive Vice President, SN Power; former Executive Director, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO); former Executive Vice President, ABB, Oslo

    Jens Ulltveit-Moe, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, UMOE Group; former President, Federation of Norwegian Industry; former President, Norwegian Shipowners Federation, Oslo

    *Raivo Vare, Owner, Live Nature Eesti OÜ; Partner, Sthenos Group and OÜ RVVE Group; Chairman of the Council of the Parliament’s Development Fund, Member of the President’s Academic Advisory Board; former Minister of State and former Minister of Transport and Communication, Tallinn

    *George Vassiliou, former Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Cyprus to the European Union; former President of the Republic of Cyprus; former Member of Parliament and Leader of United Democrats, Nicosia

    Franco Venturini, Senior Editorial Commentator on Foreign Affairs, Corriere della Sera, Rome

    Margrethe Vestager, Member of the Danish Parliament; Chairwoman of the Social Liberal Party Parliamentary Group; former Minister of Education, Copenhagen

    *Marko Voljc, Chief Executive Officer, Central and Eastern Europe and Russia Business Unit and Member of the Executive Committee, KBC Group, Brussels; former Chief Executive Officer, Nova Ljubljanska Banka, Ljubljana

    Alexandr Vondra, Member of the Czech Senate; Minister of Defence; former Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prague

    Joris Voorhoeve, Chair, Oxfam Novib, The Hague; Professor of International Organisations, Leiden; former Member of the Council of State; former Member of the Dutch Parliament; former Minister of Defence

    *Panagis Vourloumis, Senior Adviser, N.M. Rothschild; former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (O.T.E.), Athens

    Peter Wallenberg Jr., Chairman, Foundation Asset Management Sweden AB (FAM), Stockholm

    *Heinrich Weiss, Chief Executive Officer, SMS, Düsseldorf; former Chairman, Federation of German Industries, Berlin
    Nout Wellink, Former President, Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam

    Hans Wijers, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Akzo Nobel, Arnhem; Former Minister for Economic Affairs

    Alexander Wilmot-Sitwell, Co-Chief Executive Officer, UBS Investment Bank, London

    Matthias Wissmann, President, The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), Berlin; former Member of German Bundestag; former Federal Minister

    Emilio Ybarra, former Chairman, Banco Bilbao-Vizcaya, Madrid

Former Members in Public Service

  • Grete Faremo, Minister for Defence; former Norwegian Minister of Development Cooperation, Minister of Justice and Minister of Oil and Energy, Oslo

    Lord Green, Minister of State for Trade and Investment, London

    Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn

    Francis Maude, Member of the British Parliament; Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General, London

    Lucas Papademos, Prime Minister of Greece, Athens

Ce forum étant essentiellement lu en France, les noms des collabos français ont été colorés en jaune pour les repérer plus facilement.


    Madeleine K. Albright, Chair, Albright Stonebridge Group, Washington; former U.S Secretary of State

    Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Douglas Dillon Professor of Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government; former Special Advisor to the Secretary of Defense and former Assistant Secretary of Defense

    Nani Beccalli-Falco, President and Chief Executive Officer, GE International, Brussels

    *C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs

    *Catherine Bertini, Chair, International Relations Program, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, Syracuse; Co-Chair, Global Agricultural Development Initiative, Chicago Council of Global Affairs

    Karan Bhatia, Vice President and Senior Counsel, Global Government Affairs and Policy, General Electric Company, Washington, DC

    Robert D. Blackwill, Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, DC; former Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush and Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Planning; former Ambassador to India

    Adm. Dennis B. Blair, former U.S. Director of National Intelligence; former Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command

    Herminio Blanco Mendoza, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Soluciones Estratégicas, Mexico City; former Mexican Secretary of Commerce and Industrial Development

    Stephen W. Bosworth, Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford; former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea; former U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy

    Scott A. Brison, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa

    David Brooks, Op-Ed Columnist, The New York Times, Washington, DC

    Gord Brown, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa

    Harold Brown, Counselor and Trustee, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; former General Partner, Warburg Pincus & Company; former U.S. Secretary of Defense

    Zoë Baird Budinger, President, The Markle Foundation, New York

    R. Nicholas Burns, Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics and Member of the Board, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

    Sylvia Mathews Burwell, President, Global Development Programs, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle

    Maria Amparo Casar, Professor and Researcher, Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economides (CIDE), Mexico City

    Wendy J. Chamberlin, President, Middle East Institute, Washington, DC; former U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan

    Raymond Chrétien, Partner and Strategic Advisor, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Montreal; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Montréal Council on Foreign Relations (MCFR); former Associate Under Secretary of State of External Affairs; former Ambassador to the Congo, Belgium, Mexico, the United States, and France

    Eliot Cohen, Robert E. Osgood Professor of Strategic Studies, Director of Strategic Studies Program, and Director of Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC; former Counselor to the U.S. Secretary of State

    William T. Coleman III, Partner, Alsop Louie Partners, San Jose; founder, former Chairman and CEO, Cassatt Corporation; Founder, former Chairman and CEO and Member, Board of Directors, BEA Systems, Inc.

    William T. Coleman, Jr., Senior Partner and the Senior Counselor, O’Melveny & Myers, Washington, DC; former U.S. Secretary of Transportation; Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission

    Timothy C. Collins, Chief Executive Officer and Senior Managing Director, Ripplewood Holdings, New York

    Richard N. Cooper, Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Chairman, U.S. National Intelligence Council; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs

    E. Gerald Corrigan, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, New York; former President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

    David M. Cote, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Honeywell International Inc., Morristown, NJ

    Lee Cullum, Contributing Columnist, Dallas Morning News; Radio and Television Commentator, Dallas

    H. Lawrence Culp, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer, Danaher Corporation, Washington, DC

    Luis de la Calle, Managing Director, de la Calle, Madrazo, Mancera, SC (CMM) Mexico City; former Mexican Undersecretary for International Trade Negotiations

    Arthur A. DeFehr, Chief Executive Officer, Palliser Furniture, Winnipeg, MB

    André Desmarais, President and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada, Montréal; Deputy Chairman, Power Financial Corporation

    John M. Deutch, Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; former Director of Central Intelligence; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense

    Peter C. Dobell, Founding Director, Parliamentary Centre, Ottawa

    Paula J. Dobriansky, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Government and Regulatory Affairs, Thomson Reuters, Washington, DC; Adjunct Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs

    Wendy K. Dobson, Professor and Co-Director, Institute for International Business, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto; former Canadian Associate Deputy Minister of Finance

    *Kenneth M. Duberstein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Duberstein Group, Washington, DC; former Chief of Staff to President Ronald Reagan

    William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York

    Michael Duffy, Assistant Managing Editor and Washington Bureau Chief, Time Magazine, Washington, DC

    Peggy Dulany, Founder and Chair, Synergos Institute, New York

    Jessica P. Einhorn, Dean, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC

    Dianne Feinstein, Member (D-CA), U.S. Senate

    Martin S. Feldstein, George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge; President Emeritus, National Bureau of Economic Research; former Chairman, U.S. President’s Council of Economic Advisors

    Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer, TIAA-CREF, New York; former Head of Financial Services for Swiss Re, Chairman of Swiss Re America Holding Corporation, and member of the Executive Committee; former Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System

    Richard W. Fisher, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas; former U.S. Deputy Trade Representative

    *Thomas S. Foley, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; former U.S. Ambassador to Japan; former North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission, Washington, DC

    Kristin J. Forbes, Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Professor of Global Economics and Management, MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge; former Member of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers

    *David R. Gergen, Harvard Kennedy School Professor of Public Service and Director of the Center for Public Leadership, Cambridge; CNN Senior Political Analyst

    Peter C. Godsoe, retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto

    Donald J. Gogel, President and Chief Executive Officer, Clayton Dubilier and Rice, New York

    *Allan E. Gotlieb, Senior Advisor, Bennett Jones LLP, Toronto; Chairman, Sotheby’s, Canada; former Canadian Ambassador to the United States; North American Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission

    Bill Graham, former Member of Canadian House of Commons; former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Minister of Defence, Ottawa; Chancellor, Trinity College, University of Toronto; Chair of The Atlantic Council of Canada; Co-Vice Chair of Canadian International Council; Co-Chair with Senator Rosario Green (Mexico) of the Canada-Mexico Working Group

    Donald Graham, Chairman, The Washington Post Company, Washington, DC

    Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations, New York; former Director, Policy Planning, U. S. Department of State; former Director of Foreign Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution

    James T. Hackett, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Houston

    *John J. Hamre, President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense and Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)

    Jane Harman, Director, President, and CEO, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC; former Member (D-CA), U.S. House of Representatives

    Carlos Heredia, Chairman and Professor, Department of International Studies, Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE), Mexico City

    John B. Hess, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Hess Corporation, New York

    *Carla A. Hills, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hills & Company, International Consultants, Washington, DC; former U.S. Trade Representative; former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

    *Karen Elliott House, Writer, Princeton, NJ; former Adjunct Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Senior Vice President, Dow Jones & Company, and Publisher, The Wall Street Journal

    Walter Isaacson, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Aspen Institute, Washington, DC

    Reuben Jeffery III, Chief Executive Officer, Rockefeller & Co., New York; former Under Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs, U.S. State Department; and former Chair, Commodity Futures Trading Commission

    Robert P. Kelly, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BNY Mellon, New York

    Colin Kenny, Member, Senate of Canada, Ottawa; former Special Assistant, Director of Operations, and Assistant Principal Secretary to the Rt. Hon. P. E. Trudeau; Member, Special Senate Committee on Terrorism and Security, Special Joint Committee on Canadian Defence Policy; and former Chair of Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence

    Robert M. Kimmitt, Independent Chairman, Deloitte Center for Cross-Border Investment, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany

    James Kimsey, Founder and Chairman, The Kimsey Foundation, Washington, DC

    Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc., New York; former U.S. Secretary of State; former U.S. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs; Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission

    Enrique Krauze, Editor, Letras Libres Magazine, and Director, Clio TV, Mexico City

    Harold (Hal) Kvisle, former Chief Executive Officer (retired), TransCanada Corporation, Calgary

    Fred Langhammer, Chairman, Global Affairs, The Estée Lauder Companies, Inc., New York

    Andrew N. Liveris, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland

    Winston Lord, Chairman Emeritus and former Co-Chairman of the Board, International Rescue Committee, New York; former President, Council on Foreign Relations; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; former U.S. Ambassador to China

    Roy MacLaren, former Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom; former Canadian Minister of International Trade; Toronto

    John A. MacNaughton, Chairman, Business Development Bank of Canada, Toronto

    Antonio Madero, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, SANLUIS Corporación, S.A. B. de C.V., Mexico City

    John Manley, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE); former Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Ottawa; former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

    *Sir Deryck Maughan, Member, KKR & Co.; Head, Global Financial Services Group; New York

    Jay Mazur, President Emeritus, UNITE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees, and President, ILGWU's 21st Century Heritage Foundation, New York

    David H. McCormick, Senior Leader, Bridgewater Associates, Westport

    Heather Munroe-Blum, Principal and Vice-Chancellor and Professor in Medicine, McGill University, Montreal

    John D. Negroponte, Vice Chair, McLarty Associates, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State; former U.S. Director of National Intelligence; former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq

    *Joseph S. Nye, Jr., University Distinguished Service Professor and former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Chair, National Intelligence Council and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission

    Peter R. Orszag, Vice Chairman, Global Banking, Citi Institutional Clients Group, New York; former Director, U.S. Office of Management and Budget

    Meghan L. O'Sullivan, Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and Deputy National Security Advisor for Iraq and Afghanistan, National Security Council, The White House

    Martha C. Piper, former President and Vice-Chancellor, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver

    Richard Plepler, Co-president, HBO, New York

    John Podesta, President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for American Progress, Washington, DC; former Chief of Staff to President William J. Clinton

    Adam S. Posen, External Member, Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England, London, UK; Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC

    Jim Prentice, Senior Executive Vice President and Vice Chairman, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), Toronto

    Charles B. Rangel, Member (D-NY), U.S. House of Representatives

    Carmen Reinhart, Dennis Weatherstone Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC

    Condoleezza Rice, Professor of Political Science, Stanford University, and Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy, Hoover Institution, Palo Alto; former U. S. Secretary of State; former National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush

    David Rockefeller, Founder, Honorary Chairman, and Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission, New York

    John D. Rockefeller IV, Member (D-WV), U.S. Senate

    Charles Rose, Host of the Charlie Rose Show and Charlie Rose Special Edition, PBS, New York

    David M. Rubenstein, Co-founder and Managing Director, The Carlyle Group, Washington, DC

    *Luis Rubio, Chairman, CIDAC (Center of Research for Development), Mexico City

    Arthur F. Ryan, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Prudential Financial, Inc., Newark

    José Sarukhán, Emeritus Professor and former Rector (President), National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City; President, Botanical Society of Mexio and the Mexican Academy of Sciences

    *Susan Schwab, Professor, Maryland School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park; former U.S. Trade Representative

    Hugh Segal, Member, Senate of Canada, Ottawa; Member and former Chair, Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and Chair, Special Committee on Anti-Terrorism; former President, Institute for Research on Public Policy

    *Jaime Serra, Chairman, SAI Law and Economics; Founder, Aklara, the Arbitration Center of Mexico, and the NAFTA Fund of Mexico, Mexico City; Deputy Chairman, North American Trilateral Commission

    Susan Shirk, Director, University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, and Ho Miu Lam Professor of China and Pacific Affairs, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego

    Jeffrey Simpson, National Affairs Columnist, The Globe and Mail, Toronto

    Dinakar Singh, Founding Partner, TPG-Axon Capital, New York

    Anne-Marie Slaughter, Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton; former Director, Policy Planning, U. S. Department of State

    Gordon Smith, Director, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria

    Donald R. Sobey, Chairman Emeritus, Empire Company Ltd., Stellarton

    Nancy Southern, President and Chief Executive Officer, ATCO Ltd. and Canadian Utilities Limited, Calgary

    Ronald D. Southern, Chairman, ATCO Group, Calgary

    James B. Steinberg, Dean, Maxwell School, and University Professor of Social Science, International Affairs and Law, Syracuse University, Syracuse; former Deputy Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State

    Jessica Stern, Writer, Boston; Advanced Academic Candidate, Massachusetts Inst. of Psychoanalysis; Senior Research Fellow, the Center on Terrorism, John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Member, Hoover Institution’s Task Force on National Security and Law

    Lawrence H. Summers, Charles W. Eliot Professor, John F. Kennedy School of Government, and former President, Harvard University; fomer Director, National Economic Council, The White House

    John J. Sweeney, former President, AFL-CIO, Washington, DC

    *Strobe Talbott, President, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State

    Luis Téllez, Chairman of the Board, Mexican Stock Exchange, Mexico City; former Secretary of Communications and Transportation of Mexico

    G. Richard Thoman, Managing Partner, Corporate Perspectives, New York; Adjunct Professor of Practice, Columbia University and the Fletcher School, Tufts University; former President and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox Corporation; former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, IBM Corporation

    Frances Fragos Townsend, Senior Vice President, MacAndrews and Forbes Holdings, Inc., New York; CNN National Security Contributor; former Assistant to President George W. Bush for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and Chair, Homeland Security Council

    Ann M. Veneman, former Executive Director, UNICEF; former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture; New York

    Guillermo F. Vogel, Director and Vice President of the Board, Tenaris, Mexico City

    *Paul A. Volcker, former Chairman, President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board; former Chairman, Wolfensohn & Co., Inc., New York; Frederick H. Schultz Professor Emeritus, International Economic Policy, Princeton University; former Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System; Honorary North American Chairman and former North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission

    David Walker, Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Comeback America Initiative, Bridgeport; former Comptroller General of the United States

    R. Keith Walton, Vice President, Government Affairs, Alcoa, Washington, DC

    Michael H. Wilson, Chairman, Barclays Capital Canada, Inc., Toronto; former Ambassador of Canada to the United States; and former Chairman, UBS Canada

    John D. Wren, President and Chief Executive Officer, Omnicom Group, Inc., New York

    Daniel H. Yergin, Chairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates Cambridge

    Lorenzo H. Zambrano, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, CEMEX, Monterrey

    Ernesto Zedillo, Director, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, Yale University, New Haven; former President of Mexico

    Philip Zelikow, White Burkett Miller Professor of History, University of Virginia, Charlottesville; former Counselor, U.S. Department of State; former Executive Director, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States (“9/11 Commission”)

Former Members in Public Service

    Lael Brainard, Under Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury

    Kurt Campbell, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S. State Department

    Thomas E. Donilon, Assistant to the President, U.S. National Security Advisor

    Michael B. G. Froman, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs, The White House

    Timothy F. Geithner, U.S. Secretary of The Treasury

    Steven Koonin, Under Secretary for Science, U.S. Department of Energy

    Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations

    Robert B. Zoellick, President, World Bank

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Chinese and Korean names are shown with surname first.

    Narongchai Akrasanee, Chairman, Saranee Holdings Co., Ltd, Bangkok; former Minister of Commerce of Thailand

    Cha Young Koo, Senior Advisor, Qualcomm Korea, Seoul

    Chen Dongxiao, Vice President, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Shanghai

    Fujio Cho, Chairman of the Board, Toyota Motor Corporation, Aichi

    Cho Suck-Rai, Chairman, Hyosung Corporation, Seoul

    Chung Mong-Joon, Member, Korean National Assembly; Vice President, Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), Seoul

    Tarun Das, President, Aspen Institute India, Gurgaon, New Delhi; former Chief Mentor, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

    Barry Desker, Dean, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

    Takashi Ejiri, Partner, Nishimura & Asahi, Tokyo

    Jesus P. Estanislao, Chairman, Institute for Solidarity in Asia; Chairman, Institute of Corporate Directors, Manila; former Philippine Secretary of Finance

    Hugh Fletcher, Chairman, Fletcher Brothers Limited

    Hiroaki Fujii, Chairman, Mori Arts Center, Tokyo; Advisor, The Japan Foundation; former Japanese Ambassador to the United Kingdom

    Shinji Fukukawa, Chairman, TEPIA, The Machine Industry Memorial Foundation, Tokyo

    Glen S. Fukushima, Chairman and Director, Airbus Japan KK, Tokyo

    Yoichi Funabashi, former Editor-in-Chief, The Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo

    Victor K. Fung, Chairman, Li & Fung Group, Hong Kong

    Ross Garnaut, Professor of Economics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra

    Jamshyd N. Godrej, Chairman & Managing Director, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., Mumbai; Chairman, CII Climate Change Council, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), New Delhi

    *Toyoo Gyohten, President, Institute for International Monetary Affairs; Senior Advisor, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., Tokyo

    *Han Sung-Joo, Chairman, The Asan Institute for Policy Studies; Professor Emeritus, Korea University, Seoul; former Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Korean Ambassador to the United States; Pacific Asian Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission

    *Stuart Harris, Professor of International Relations, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra; former Australian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Azman Hashim, Chairman, AmBank Group, Kuala Lumpur

    John R. Hewson, Chairman of the Board, Equiti Capital Limited; Chairman, The John Hewson Group, Sydney; former Leader of the Federal Opposition, Australia; Special Adviser to the Under Secretary of the United Nations; Executive Secretary, UNESCAP on Infrastructure Financing

    Ernest M. Higa, President, Higa Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo

    Hong Seok Hyun, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, JoongAng Media Network (JMnet), Seoul; former Korean Ambassador to the United States

    Shintaro Hori, Chairman, Bain Capital Japan, Inc., Tokyo

    Akinari Horii, Special Advisor and Member of the Board of Directors, the Canon Institute for Global Studies, Tokyo

    Murray Horn, Managing Director, Institutional Banking, ANZ (NZ) Ltd., Sydney; Chairman, ANZ Investment Bank; former Parliament Secretary, New Zealand Treasury

    Hsieh Fu Hua, Director, Temasek Holdings Limited, Singapore

    Huang Renwei, Vice President, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai

    Hyun Hong-Choo, Senior Partner, Kim & Chang, Seoul; former Korean Ambassador to the United Nations and to the United States

    Hyun Jae-Hyun, Chairman, TONGYANG Group, Seoul

    Shin’ichi Ichimura, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University; former Director, International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development, Kitakyushu

    Noriyuki Inoue, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Daikin Industries, Ltd., Osaka

    Jamshed J. Irani, Director, Tata Sons Ltd., Mumbai

    Tan Sri Mohamed Jawhar, Chairman, Institute of Strategic International Studies (ISIS), Malaysia

    Kasem Kasemsri, Honorary Chairman, Thailand-U.S. Business Council, Bangkok; Chairman, Advisory Board, Chart Thai Party; Chairman, Thai-Malaysian Association; former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand

    Koichi Kato, Member, Japanese House of Representatives; former Secretary-General, Liberal Democratic Party, Tokyo

    Kim Kihwan, Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Korea Development Institute, Seoul; Chair, Seoul Financial Forum; former Korean Ambassador-at-Large for Economic Affairs

    Eizo Kobayashi, Chairman, ITOCHU Corporation, Tokyo

    Shoichiro Kobayashi, Advisor, Kansai Electric Power Company, Ltd., Osaka

    *Yotaro Kobayashi, former Chairman of the Board, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., Tokyo; Pacific Asian Chairman, Trilateral Commission

    Akira Kojima, Trustee and Senior Fellow, Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)

    Koo John, Chairman and CEO, LS Corporation, Seoul

    Kenji Kosaka, Member, Japanese House of Councillors, Tokyo; former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

    *Lee Hong-Koo, Chairman of the Board, Seoul Forum for International Affairs, Seoul; former Korean Prime Minister; former Korean Ambassador to the United Kingdom and the United States

    Lee Jay Y., Chief Operating Officer, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Seoul

    Lee Kyungsook Choi, Vice Chairperson, Korean National Committee for UNESCO, Seoul; former Chairperson, Korean Presidential Transition Committee; former President, Sookmyung Women's University

    Lee Shin-wha, Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations and Director, Global Leadership Development Center, Korea University

    Leong Vai Tac, Member, Executive Council, Macao SAR Governement; Deputy to the 11th National People’s Congress; CEO, Seng San Enterprises, Ltd.; Chairman,Smartable Holding Ltd., Macau

    Adrianto Machribie, President Director, MetroTV, Jakarta

    *Minoru Makihara, Senior Corporate Advisor, Mitsubishi Corporation, Tokyo

    Hiroshi Mikitani, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Rakuten, Inc., Tokyo

    Yoshihiko Miyauchi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ORIX Corporation, Tokyo

    Isamu Miyazaki, Honorary Advisor, Daiwa Institute of Research, Ltd., Tokyo; former Director-General of the Japanese Economic Planning Agency

    Yuzaburo Mogi, Honorary CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kikkoman Corporation, Tokyo

    Mike Moore, New Zealand Ambassador to US; former Director-General, World Trade Organization, Geneva; former Prime Minister of New Zealand

    Hugh Morgan, Principal, First Charnock, Melbourne

    Moriyuki Motono, former Japanese Ambassador to France, Tokyo

    Satoru Murase, Partner, Bingham McCutchen Murase, New York

    N.R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor, Infosys Technologies Ltd., Bangalore

    Osamu Nagayama, President and Chief Executive Officer, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tokyo

    Philip Ng, Chief Executive Officer, Far East Organization, Singapore

    Takeshi Niinami, President and CEO, Lawson, Inc., Tokyo

    Masashi Nishihara, President, Research Institute for Peace and Security, Tokyo

    Roberto F. de Ocampo, Chairman, Board of Advisors, RFO Center for Public Finance & Regional Economic Cooperation, Manila; former Philippine Secretary of Finance

    Sadako Ogata, President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tokyo; former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

    Shijuro Ogata, former Deputy Governor, Japan Development Bank, Tokyo; former Deputy Governor for International Relations, Bank of Japan

    Sozaburo Okamatsu, President, Industrial Property Cooperation Center, Tokyo; former Chairman, Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry (RIETI)

    *Yoshio Okawara, Special Advisor, Institute for International Policy Studies (IIPS), Tokyo; former Japanese Ambassador to the United States

    Yoichi Okita, Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo

    Ariyoshi Okumura, Chairman, Lotus Corporate Advisory, Inc., Tokyo

    Anand Panyarachun, Chairman, Thai Industrial Federation, Bangkok; Chairman, Saha-Union Public Company, Ltd.; former Prime Minister of Thailand

    Qin Yaqing, Vice President, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing

    Ryu Jin Roy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Poongsan Corp., Seoul

    Eisuke Sakakibara, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo; former Japanese Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs

    SaKong Il, Chair of the Presidential Committee for G20 Summit, Office of the President of Republic of Korea; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Korea International Trade Association, Seoul; former Korean Minister of Finance

    Yoshiyasu Sato, Advisor, Shiseido Co. Ltd., Tokyo; former Japanese Ambassador to China

    Yukio Satoh, Member of Japan’s National Commission on Public Safety; Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The Japan Institute of International Affairs, Tokyo; former Japanese Ambassador to the United Nations

    Masahide Shibusawa, President, Shibusawa Ei’ichi Memorial Foundation, Tokyo

    Shin Dong-Bin, Chairman, Lotte Group, Seoul

    Yasuhisa Shiozaki, Member, Japanese House of Representatives; former Chief Cabinet Secretary, Tokyo

    Arifin Siregar, Chairman of Ancora International, Jakarta; former Ambassador of Indonesia to the United States

    Jacob Soetoyo, Executive Director, The Gesit Companies, Jakarta

    Howard Stringer, Chairman, President and CEO, Sony Corporation

    Shigemitsu Sugisaki, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd., Tokyo; former Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    Dato’ Sri Dr. Tahir, President & CEO, Mayapada Group, Jakarta

    Keizo Takemi, Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; former Member, Japanese House of Councillors; former Vice Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, Tokyo

    Akihiko Tanaka, Professor of International Politics and Executive Vice-President, University of Tokyo

    Hitoshi Tanaka, Chairman, Institute for International Strategy (IIS), Japan Research Institute, Ltd., Tokyo; Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs

    Naoki Tanaka, President, Center for International Public Policy Studies, Tokyo

    Teh Kok Peng, Advisor to GIC Group Executive Committee, Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Pte Ltd (GIC), Singapore

    Gautam Thapar, Chairman, Aspen Institute India; Chairman and CEO, Avantha Group, New Delhi

    Kiyoshi Tsugawa, Member of the Board, Aozora Bank, Ltd., Tokyo

    Junichi Ujiie, Senior Advisor to the Board, Nomura Holdings, Inc., Tokyo

    Sarasin Viraphol, Executive Vice President, Charoen Pokphand Co., Ltd., Bangkok; former Deputy Permanent Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Thailand

    Cesar E. A. Virata, Corporate Vice Chairman, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC), Manila; former Prime Minister of Philippines

    *Jusuf Wanandi, Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (Indonesia), Jakarta; Pacific Asian Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission

    Wang Jisi, Dean, School of International Relations, Peking University, Beijing

    Etsuya Washio, President, The Foundation for Workers Welfare and Cooperative Insurance; former President, Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO)

    Koji Watanabe, Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange, Tokyo; former Japanese Ambassador to Russia

    Osamu Watanabe, President, Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd., Tokyo

    Wei Jianguo, former Vice Minister of Commerce, Beijing

    YY Wong, Chairman and Founder, Wywy Group, Singapore

    Wu Jianmin,Wu Jianmin, Wu Jianmin,Wu Jianmin,Wu Jianmin, Vice Chairman of China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy, Professor of China Foreign Affairs University, Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Member and Vice President of the International Bureau of Exhibitions (BIE)

    Taizo Yakushiji, Research Counselor, Institute for International Policy Studies, Tokyo; Visiting Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Professor of Emeritus, Keio University

    Ryuji Yamada, President and Chief Executive Officer, NTT Docomo, Inc., Tokyo

    Tadashi Yamamoto, President, Japan Center for International Exchange, Tokyo; Pacific Asian Director, Trilateral Commission

    Yang Jiemian, President, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Shanghai

    Noriyuki Yonemura, Secretary General, Intellectual Collaboration Group to Promote Market-Oriented Economics, Tokyo

    Zhang Yunling, Professor and Director, Academic Division of International Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing

Former Members in Public Service

    Ong Keng Yong, Singapore High Commission in Kuala Lumpur
    Hisashi Owada, President, International Court of Justice, Geneva

“Triennium Participants”

    André Azoulay, Adviser to H.M. King Mohammed VI, Rabat

    Morris Chang, Chairman, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company., Ltd., Taipei

    Omar Davies, Member of the Jamaican Parliament and former Minister of Finance and Planning, Kingston; former Director General, Planning Institute of Jamaica

    Hüsnü Dogan, General Coordinator, Nurol Holding; former Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Development Foundation of Turkey; former Minister of Defence, Ankara

    Alejandro Foxley, Senior Associate, Carnegie International Economics Program, Washington, DC; former Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Valparaiso

    Jacob A. Frenkel, Chairman, JPMorgan Chase International, New York, NY; Chairman and CEO, Group of Thirty (G30); former Vice Chairman, American International Group, Inc. (AIG); former Governor, Bank of Israel

    H.R.H. Prince El Hassan bin Talal, President, The Club of Rome; Moderator of the World Conference on Religion and Peace; Chairman, Arab Thought Forum, Amman

    Ricardo Hausmann, Professor of the Practice of Economic Development, Center for International Development, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank; former Venezuelan Minister of Planning and Member of the Board of the Central Bank of Venezuela

    Sergei Karaganov, Dean, School of World Economics and International Affairs, State University–Higher School of Economics; Chairman, Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy; Chairman, Editorial Board, “Russia in Global Affairs,” Moscow

    Jeffrey L.S. Koo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chinatrust Investment, Bank, Taipei

    Ricardo Lopez Murphy, Visiting Research Fellow, Latin American Economic Research Foundation, Buenos Aires; former Argentinian Finance Minister and Defence Minister

    Andrónico Luksic Craig, Vice Chairman, Banco de Chile, Santiago

    Itamar Rabinovich, Ettinger Chair of Contemporary Middle Eastern History, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv; Charles and Andrea Bronfman Distinguished Fellow at the Saban Center, The Brookings Institution; Distinguished Global Professor at New York University; Visiting Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; former Ambassador to the United States

    Rüsdü Saracoglu, President of the Finance Group, Koç Holding; Chairman, Makro Consulting, Istanbul; former State Minister and Member of the Turkish Parliament; former Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey

    Roberto Egydio Setubal, President and Chief Executive Officer, Banco Itaú S.A. and Banco Itaú Holding Financeira S.A., Sao Paulo

    Stan Shih, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Acer Group, Taipei


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